
I feel that I must extend a special thanks to a number of people who have made it possible for me to get this website up and running.

First, I must thank my parents, for without them I would not even own a computer and I would still be the computer illiterate I was before I owned one.

I must also thank my sister who has taken the time to teach me the basics of computing. When I first started I knew nothing of this field and would still be a computer dummy if it were not for her.

I must also thank Odie who has taken the time out of his busy school schedule to give me large amounts of feedback on my site. Thanks for the ideas and the help!

I also extend my thanks to my friends who check out my site and tell me what they think of it. This helps me understand what others think of it and how I can improve it for future viewers.

And last, but not least I thank you, the net surfers who check out Lord Caliban's House. If it was not for you there would be no reason for me to even maintain this place. So keep coming and tell all your friends about me!

On that note, make yourself at home and check out my house.

Until next time,

Take Me Home

Send submissions, comments, questions, and anything else that occurs to you
to me via e-mail at
Lord Caliban's House.

This page last updated on March 25, 1997