Just Who is this Lord Caliban Guy Anyways!

You guys are probably wondering who the hell Lord Caliban is. Well, that would be me. I like to think I am a pretty good guy, open minded and extremely easy-going.

I am currently enrolled in the University of Saskatchewan (in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada) where I am working on my Bachelor of Commerce degree. I am currently in my third year of the program. I was previously working on an accounting major (the CA program), but I soon realized that I did not care for this subject. Or more closer to home, I hated it! Now plagued with this new dilemma, I knew it was time to do some serious thinking. I still wanted to come out of university with a commerce degree, while also considering future job expectations. Well, as everyone knows, computers are a booming industry and this is also a subject that is of great interest to me. So yes, you guessed it, I changed my major to computer science. I feel that a commerce-computer degree will prove to be highly beneficial in the near future.

Until I embarked on the life of a student, I lived in small town Saskatchwan which probably molded me into the person I am today (I don't know if that is a good or bad thing). I sincerely feel that growing up in a small town proved to be quite advantageous in many regards. Cities can tend to be quite confining to children, while rural areas let them live free!

That's all I am going to say about myself for now, but I promise I will always change the content of this section to let you get to know me better.

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This page last updated on April 28, 1997