
Thank you for visiting the San Dieguito Alumni Email database. I hope you can find who you are looking for here, if not, I can try to locate them for you, just email me and I will try and find an address. Currently there are approximately 300 alumni listed in this database.

With the graduating of another class, I am hoping to add more to this growing list, as well as adding more alumni from years past. If you know addresses of friends please tell me, or if you have graduated or transferred, a new email address would be greatly appreciated by any alumni trying to get in touch with you! I hope that this suites all of you SDHS Alumni needs!

I will hopefully have some time to work on this page and add all the additions. Anything that was sent to me that has not been updated has been lost. My harddrive crashed, and along with it all of my email was lost. Please re-send anything that isn't on here.


Jessi Baas, Class of 1996

Last updated 8-5-98
Added: 1 email change

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