Criminology Association Committees

Criminology Association Committees

Advising Guest Speaker Social Alumni
Newsletter Tour Career Fair Office Hours
Webpage Community Service Publicity Fund Raising
Scholarship Professional Development


    Chair: Becky McAfoos  

            The Advising committee is designed to assist criminology students by giving advice that may be needed.  Some examples might be what classes to take, what professors to take, or any other concerns related to classes.




    Chair: Brian Allridge

           The Alumni Committee is responsible for researching where past graduates of IUP went.  They use this list to invite Alumni to events that the Association is having.


Career Fair

    Chair: Craig Johnson

            The Career Fair committee is responsible for preparing our career fair.   Each spring semester, the Association hosts a career fair where perspective employers from local, state, and federal governments come to give information about themselves.   Students are able to make face to face contact, ask questions, and sometimes fill out applications for future jobs or internships.  This is a great opportunity for Juniors and especially graduating seniors to find a job. 



Community Service

   Co-Chairs: Scott Cariss and Colleen McCauley-Cook

            The Community Service committee arranges for activities for Association members to participate in.  Since each member must participate in a community service project each semester to be active, members are usually busy.  Some prior events include painting windows during the holidays at local nursing homes, the MS Walk, Special Olympics, Adopt-a-Highway, and many more.




Fund Raising

    Chair: Jack Linderman

            The Fundraising committee is the money making backbone of our association.  It's responsible for organizing fund raisers in order for us to offer events such as guest speakers and tours.  Prior fund raisers include car washes, raffle ticket sales, t-shirt and sweat shirt sales, and more.



Guest Speaker

    Co-Chairs: Dennis Gill and Aaron Hivak

            The Guest Speaker committee's responsibilities include arranging for people to come and speak to students. Previous guest speakers sponsored by the Association include speakers from the FBI, PA Liquor Control, and even John Walsh of America's Most Wanted.




    Chair: Amanda Grecko

            The Newsletter Committee creates a monthly newsletter that keeps the members of the Association informed of up coming events, office hours, faculty spotlights, and other interesting features.



Office Hours

            Click the Clock to see office hours!     Clock1.wmf (4036 bytes)




    Co-Chairs: Chris Schutte and Jon McLister

            The Publicity Committee is responsible for advertising upcoming Association events.  This includes hanging signs, chalking campus sidewalks, and writing announcements on classroom chalkboards.




    Chair: Mike Fetting

            The Scholarship Committee is responsible for handling the scholarship given by the Association every year.   They also have the difficult task of selecting a winner from the group of well qualified applicants.  Information on the scholarship is available for review.




    Chair: Stephanie Jones and Becky Williams

           The Social Committee is here to provide Association members with a chance to get out and have fun outside the academic setting.  They are responsible for the end of the year banquet.  Additional activities include Halloween parties, bowling, paintball, and more.




    Chair: Ed Clark

            The Tour Committee sets up tours around the area for Association members to get a hands-on experience in the criminal justice field.  Also, a larger out of state tour is conducted every year.  The Tour committee plans this very large undertaking.   The Association has had overnight and two day trips to the FBI Academy at Quantico, VA and to Washington D.C. for a conference.  Other smaller tours include trips to Shuman Center, Laretto Federal Prison, Allegheny County Courthouse, Eastern State Penitentiary, and others.




    Chairs: James Ziegenfus

            The Webpage committee is responsible for designing and maintaining the Association's webpage.


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