Would June Cleaver Have Killed the Beav? Rebel Without a Clue Whether in the Slums of Sophiatown, or the Outskirts of Israel, You're Still Just Sloppin' Hogs. Eustacia Vye, Opportunist Whore or Tragic Heroine? Orientation/Disorientation Bridge To Terabithia as a Sacred Text: Religious Archetype in Children's Literature. Religious Analysis, Psychology of Religion
written for english 102 topic: mother relationships. got an A on it
english 102 topic: self-reliance. got an A on it
english 102 topic: father relationships/Cry the Beloved Country. got another A
honors english 102 final topic: Return of the Native. I had to write this paper in class in two hours, so it's just off the top of my head. Still got an A though, and an A for the course. WOOHOO!!!
english 101 . This was the first paper I wrote in college. It had been 10 years since I had last been in school. (I had quit high school at 15 and I was 25 then.) We had to write about a new experience, I wrote about college orientation. I was completely shocked to get an A.
Children's Literature English Research Project. I tried to blend two of my classes this semester, Childrens Literature and Psychology of Religion.
A paper I had to write for Psychology of Religion. I had to interview 5 subjects and judge them on religiousness, religious orientation, religious experience, mental health and coping, and come to a conclusion, demonstrating knowledge of the course concepts.
I made a 96 on it!! Woohoo!!
A Funny Thing Happened on the way to the Forum: A critique for Theatre Aprreciation.
Theatre Appreciation Research Project. I think the Professor liked it. I made the highest grade I've ever made on a college paper, a 100.
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