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Okay campers! You wanna know about me? Here's the abridged version. Or click some more to get the unabridged... I am double majoring in Microbiology and Medical Technology (Im also Pre-Med, 4Bear, and Honors College) as a senior at The University of Montana. I enjoy hanging out with my friends, playing soccer, music, Campus Crusade, Alpha Lambda Delta, Golden Key, Chemistry Club, skiing, reading, watching X-Files, writing poems, and writing webpages. Other stuff Ive done includes working at the Montana Biotechnology Center which is researching the envelope gene of HIV, Peer Advising, and right now Im coaching a kindergarten YMCA soccer team (Go Broncs!).
also visit these kickin sites:
Another crack at a website
Absolut X-Files
Chemistry Club
Campus Crusade for Christ at UM
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