About Me








About me

Praise the Lord! Want to know something about me? Well, when I come to do my own introduction, my mind is blank because I am not worthy to be introduced.
I am here because of God. It is because of His mercy and grace, I was saved. I praise Him and give Him the glory.
To simplify everything, I inserted some of my details into the table. If you want to have more fellowship with me, just drop me anything to me and I will reply to you as soon as possible.
First Name: Elton
Middle Name: Chu Song
Surname: Tiong
Other Name: Yobel de Overcomer (The overcomer in the jubilee)
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 17.April.1975
Second Birth: 8.September.1989
Interested in: Reading spiritual books, Bible, fellowship with brothers and sisters, visit the churches, soccer, badminton,  cricket, cooking, playing guitar, photograpy and others.
My hometown: Sibu, Sarawak, Malaysia.
I am living in: Christchurch, New Zealand.
I am studying: Electronics in Computer Technology.
Ways to contact me: ICQ: 1317045
eMail: overcome@ihug.co.nz or im4god@ihug.co.nz