Class of 2000 |
Bonnie Allen |
The Graduates
Bonnie Allen
Larry Todd Jim McKenzie Roy Bonisteel Patricia Bell Wendy Tebb Lindsay Crysler Renee Pellerin |
Current LocationTimmins, Ontario127 Crescent Ave Timmins ON P4N 4J2 home # (705) 264-2687 work # (705) 264-4211 Email:
Posted on December 8, 2001 by Bonnie AllenHi guys - thought I would write in to speak for myself, since Jen "didn't want to speak for me". (And Jen - you still make me laugh. I can picture you sitting at the morning meeting, TRYING to keep your mouth must be killing you!) The thing is...I love my job. After reading all your misgivings - which I completely understand - I almost feel guilty writing in to tell you all that I absolutely, wholeheartedly believe in what I do.... However, that wasn't true 6 months ago - I was in Timmins, covering local accidents and the 34th annual lumberjack festival, and I was wondering about the "meaning" behind my work. But then I went to the CBC to open a bureau in Thompson, MB. Originally, I thought I would go to Thompson to "put in time"...and work my way up. But now I doubt what "up" really is. Toronto? give me break. I spent a month in that newsroom...that's not "up". More than ever, running my own bureau in northern Manitoba is EXACTLY where I want to be. ...for several reasons. Just a few of which are...
1. no other network covers the north. I tell stories about people and issues no one else is covering on television in Manitoba.
...and there are other reasons, too. I'm not saying it's perfect - and I'm not saying I will stay here for a long time...but I am happy, and challenged here. Jill, I'm not the master of my own working destiny - but I'm pretty damn close. So - that's my story. (I will just note that the techies went on strike today so my love for my job may be dampened very soon since I won't be "doing my job"..!!) Good luck to everyone, and I wish you all a very MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
Posted on September 11, 2001 by Bonnie AllenAs "America Under Attack" continues to unravel, and networks scramble to cover it, it becomes obvious once again, how breaking news reveals the best and worst our industry has to offer. The worst of course, is the corporate decision to let Big-Wig talking heads yabber on, all saying the same thing, meanwhile covering them with the same footage over and everyone says "Wow...I just can't believe it." Then a flash of brilliance as a reporter delivers real numbers and real people. Interrupted, unfortunately, by egotistical experts and politicians sitting in cushy leather chairs once again pontificating about lofty ideas and foreign policy. As you can tell, I thought CNN totally dropped the ball...forgetting about real people and real stories! I would commend some of the Canadian networks for delivering some thoughtful Canadian stories. Anyone else have an opinion on the coverage of this world-changing event?
Posted on August 26, 2001 by Bonnie AllenHello from Timmins....BUT NOT FOR MUCH LONGER! As of Sept. 04, I am no longer a CTV employee...that's right, I am heading to the Big Bad CBC! (and I am pretty damn happy about it!) The CBC is opening five new bureaus to expand their regional representation, and I have been chosen to head up the Thompson Bureau. (actually, I'm not "heading up" the bureau...I AM the bureau) It's an exciting opportunity for me since all networks - CTV, GLOBAL, CBC - have pretty much ignored northern Manitoba (unless something big and bad happens, of course) so I will be breaking new ground. And of course, the money and training are pretty sweet too. "Good-bye poverty line!" I start my job with five weeks training in Toronto, then four weeks training in Winnipeg, and finally start real reporting in November. ...and if that reference to Winnipeg didn't clue you in, yes, I am shacking up with Mr. High-Fiver himself, Ken Junior. So, for the next little while, my email address is and my address and phone number are non-existent. If any of you big city slickers in TO want to hook up, just give me a call at Grand Hotel and Suites - I will be there from Sept. 04 to Oct. 05. And finally, Congratulations Chad on your engagement....and Best Wishes Karen, for you upcoming wedding. Take care everyone!
Posted on March 28, 2001 by Bonnie AllenThings in Timmins, Ontario are rolling job is, for the most part, exciting and challenging. As with any job, there's always comes a day when you go home ready to throw in the hat - but then the next day is awesome and you forget all about it. I'm really enjoying Timmins - who knew? - The people here are fantastic, and everyone I deal with professionally - the police, the firefighters, the city councillors...and so on... - are great. And with Timmins being a city of only 50,000, it's pretty easy to be recognized so I am now enjoying "celebrity status" which definitely has some perks! (Although I'm told my face looks "rounder" on t.v. so sometimes people are like "oh, you're THAT Bonnie Allen, I didn't recognize you" - yeah, save it ...rounder is just a nice word for chubby) !! I play on the Media Hockey Team with friends from the radio and paper - we play the police, the firefighters, and so on to raise money for charity. It's pretty cool - this last weekend we raised $2500 for a little boy who needs a bone marrow transplant. I also played and coached ringette this winter. It's the first time I've coached a team, and it is something else! Who knew 12 year old girls could ask so many damn questions! For the past 9 months I've been renting a house that's For Sale, and this month it finally sold so I have to move out at the end of April. Luckily when I moved out here I didn't bring much so the move should be relatively painless. I'm going to rent an apartment with the morning girl from Q92 Radio - should be fun. And finally, I am heading home to Saskatchewan for a visit over May Long Weekend. There's a big wedding that weekend and all my friends will be home, so I am VERY EXCITED about it. I have five days...and I don't plan on sleeping ! Take care everyone.
Posted on November 17, 2000 by Bonnie AllenAs if I would send an anonymous know damn well that when I say something, I say it - and I stand behind it! However, I'll make the assumption that whoever sent the anonymous letter feels they cannot go on record for fear of job-related consequences...and that I can understand. As for what is new with me, just unwinding after the municipal election hype. People in Timmins go ga-ga over local government...I'm telling you, every second Monday there is a city council meeting, and that night, no one watches our late news - they are all watching the council meeting on cable! Seriously! For our election coverage I was off in Kirkland Lake fighting the first blizzard of the season to cover an exciting mayoralty contest. I had a lot of fun phoning in live from the campaign offices, then nearly hitting the ditch on the way home while recording a 90 second briefing from my cellphone. The other highlight was stopping at a town on the way back to Timmins to get a comment from a mayor-elect who won by only 12 the time I got there the guy had already imbibed in quite a few celebratory drinks and was sporting some pretty red eyes ...gotta love putting drunk mayors on the air! As well, our computer system crapped out in Timmins and we didn't have any poll numbers to report, leaving our anchor and guests to sing and dance for an hour trying to cover that little fact up. And of course, due to too much trust in technology, we didn't have a Plan B - as in actually having a person down at the returning office to collect the results as they came in. Glad I was on the road and in no way responsible for that screw up. In other news, I received the best birthday present of parents made the long drive from SK to Timmins and arrived the night of my birthday. Two and a half days of driving just to see little ol' me...kinda makes a girl feel special! They stayed three days, four nights, and then headed back...can't keep those farmers away from home for too long! That's all to report for now. Good to hear from everyone, and good to see everyone still gets a little heated over the CBC debate.
Posted on September 7, 2000 by Bonnie AllenMy What's Hot and What's Not list for the last month or so...
WHAT's HOT: I made it to The National.
WHAT's HOT: Shania Twain is actually quite nice. WHAT A NIGHTMARE! Seriously. She was being mobbed by her "good friends"(because EVERYONE in Timmins is a GOOD FRIEND of Shania's) and there I was in the midst of it pointing my camera at her was so degrading.
WHAT's HOT: The airbags on my car work (or worked.
WHAT's HOT: I have discovered this great little corner store just down the street from me called Chez Nous and it sells the most amazing poutine. That's about all for now.
Posted on July 23, 2000 by Bonnie AllenI'm finally giving an update on my status. First though, I think there should be a CTV job opening in Prince Albert. You may want to post that in case Lisa Marcinowksi or someone is interested. Here is my personal posting...Hello from Timmins, Ontario! I have officially said good-bye to Agriculture and HELLO to Mining and Forestry! It's all trees, mines, and water up here... I kind of miss that flatness (although a quick glance at my chest usually fixes that...ha,ha) My job is excellent. I'm doing the photojournalist thing, so I lug my own gear with me everywhere. CTV has the market cornered on local news here - so no pushy Shelly Browns or CBC carpools to deal with. Like anyplace, there are good and bad "News Days" - i.e. in the last three weeks I've covered everything from a drowning in Kenogamissi Lake to a garbage protest in New Liskeard (the northern Ontario residents are fighting Toronto council's proposal to ship Toronto's garbage north to the abandoned Adams Mine near Kirkland Lake) to lameass "Safety in the Sun" to my all-time favorite, examining your breasts...that's right, I said the word breast on tv. Timmins is a party city. My drinking radar led me to the best little tavern in town, and I am now trying to gain "Regular" status. No one is screaming my name when I walk in the door YET, but maybe by Christmas...a girl needs to set goals for herself. As many of you probably know, Timmins is the home of Shania Twain. But here's a little scoop: my investigative skills have uncovered an Anti-Shania movement in Timmins. That's right, while many residents worship her, there is a percentage of the population that harbor deep dislike for the Queen of Country. The other night I was at a pub and this guy at the table next to me was bragging about how he has a picture of him and his buddies pissing on the "Welcome to Timmins: Home of Shania Twain" sign - sounds like postcard material to me. I'm told Shania's picture on that sign has to be replaced frequently as her face quite often acquires a moustache, beard and horns. Again, sounds like postcard material to me. That's all for now. Glad to hear everyone is doing so well.
Posted on June 10, 2000 by Bonnie AllenI am so excited to FINALLY have something to report...THAT'S RIGHT, I have a job. I am moving to Timmins, Ontario for a Photojournalist/Anchor position, starting June 26th. It was that or Yorkton...I'll say no more. And imagine how the people of Timmins will feel - first Shania, now me!! I will leave around the 19th to make my big trek out there - Pat Bell is already trying to pawn her road maps off on me - and I will make my home in Timmins for at least 10 months (which is how long the contract is). I'll be in touch once I'm there!! p.s. I'm still waiting for all the dirty details on Dave's proposal to Kim! Read the responses to this posting Posted on May 3, 2000 by Bonnie AllenI am still working weekends at CKCK-TV, and for the next three weeks I am doing Sandy's job at the School of Journalism. And that's very sweet for me since it buys me three weeks to find a job!!! On a much sadder note, I smashed up my car. In fact, I totalled it off. But I'm fine, not a scratch on my body! So that's it for now. Take care. |