Class of 2000

Marcus Syrotiuk

The Graduates

Bonnie Allen
Ginette Benoit
Michele Bossaer
Chad Boudreau
Karen Brownlee
Pat Cabel
David Freeman
Kerri Hamel
Kristen Higgins
Jennifer Leask
Jill MacPherson
Lisa Marcinowski
Jeff Maser
Heather Polischuk
Kevin Pratt
Heather Prystay
Kim Smith
Marina Solovieva
Darren Steinke
Marcus Syrotiuk
Stephen Tipper
Renee Tratch
Lisa Unrau
Regan Wallin
Ken Wiebe

The Profs

Jill Spelliscy
Larry Todd
Jim McKenzie
Roy Bonisteel
Patricia Bell
Wendy Tebb
Lindsay Crysler
Renee Pellerin


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Current Location

Edmonton, Alberta

Posted on July 13, 2000 by Marcus Syrotiuk
1. I have nothing to do with cutting grass.

2. "The Papa Smurf of j-school" sounds pejorative at best and libelous at worst. Would someone elaborate on the persona?

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Posted on May 4, 2000 by Dave Freeman

Dave sent this little tidbit along with all the other information he sent in about other people. Marcus is mowing lawns for the City of Edmonton. I (Chad) can confirm that. Marcus was looking forward to a summer spent outdoors, doing some manual labour.

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