
Whats new?

Made by Mafu
Information and examples of webpages made and designed by Matthew O'Brien (me!). Added 6 June, 2000. UNDER CONSTRUCTION

Whats here to see?

PhD Project
The outline of my Ph.D. project and some info on sampling beachworms.
Joke of the Week
The Joke of the week page (It might even be funny!).
The Download page
Where all the things to download are! Programs written by me, and other stuff.
The Photo Gallery
Photos that I have taken.

Eventually there will be more stuff to see and do, but in the meanwhile just remember this site is forever under construction, and that the animals may bite.

This page was last updated on the 6th June, 2000
This site is maintained by me (Matthew)

Made by Mafu
This webpage was made by Matthew O'Brien
Click on the link for more information and other examples of my work.