I am born in the year 1980, September 19th in a small island called Singapore. I have an elder brother and younger sister. I enjoy reading books, martial arts , fantasy to science fiction.
\PRIMARY SCHOOL I entered Maha Bodhi School in 1986. I had a great time there and I graduated in 1992, scoring 262 at the PSLE examinations. I got into the best co-ed middle school in Singapore.
MIDDLE SCHOOL Dunman High school. I entered Dunamn High in Jan 1993 I was overwhelmed by rthe experience and I spend most of my time on my favourite sport--Basketball. I can't reme,ber studying alot during that period, in fact, it was a period of decadence in the academic sense for me as I was rank in the bottom half of my class. Nonetheless, I enjoyed myself tremedously and i started reading chinese martial arts books, namely books by Jin Yong and Gu Long. I never knew greater happiness before this and within two years, I have read the whole of Jin Yong as well as about 40 sets of books by Gu Long. It was also the time where I know my best friends--Shaun, Shannon and Justin. The secong Phase of my secondary school life started in secondary three when I decided to start studying after failing to get into Triple Science Class. My parents were very disappointed and I decide not to upset them any more. It was then that I realise that I can be good at studies if I put in my effort. In fact, I was rank 9th in my class for the first half of the year and by the end of the year, I was ranked 5th. The next year was even better as I topped my class for the whole year, eventually graduating in 1996 scoring 8A1 and 1A2 and 1B3 in the GCE O level examinations.
Junior College I attended Hwa Chong Junior College for 3 months before transferring to Victoria Junior College. It was a very interesting experience studying in HCJC and I had a lot of fun there. After trasnsferring to Victoria, I experienced a period of trauma and disappointment However, I managed to get over it and by the end of the year, I was one of the top engineering student in my college. There, I met many new friends who have come to be one of my best friends. Although I like to say that HCJC is a fun place, in truth, I never felt really at home and the homely environment of VJC was more suitable for me. I got to know people like Yiliang, Zhenqian and Karthik who are a great source of fun and inspiration. Yiliang for all his cockiness and niao wao; Zhenqian for his brillance and wit and Karthik for our common love - Physics. Thanks for all the memories if you happend to be reading it. I was chosen to represent my college in the Singapore Physics Olympiad as well as the Singapore Chemistry Olympiad. I did well in both, scoring a gold medal, top four in Singapore as well as getting the best experimental award in the Singapore Physics Oympiad; I receive a Bronze medal in the Singapore Chemsitry Olympiad. In my second year of college, I started attending the Physics Olympiad training in the National Institue of education. I did well and was ranked second in the secong round competition in May 1998 and i was awarded with a place to represent Singapore in the 1998 International Physics Olympiad in Iceland. I enjoyed my trip to Iceland except for the papre which I did badly and I eventually got only an Honorable Mention. It was extremely depressing and I had a hard time going over the experience. In August 1998, I went to the Wu Chien Xiong Science Camp in Taiwan where I met many distinguish professors, in particular, Douglas Osherof from Stanford and Li Yuan Ze from Taiwan. It was at that time that I started comtemplating abut going to US. I graduated from Victoria in Dec 1998 and I got 7 distinction, namely
Maths C A1 Further Maths A1 Physics A1 Chemistry A1 Physics S paper Distinction Maths C S paper Distinction Chinese A1 English B3
ARMY Jan 99 was one of the lowest point in my life, I was drafted into the army. It was a difficult time of my life and I attended 3 months of Basic Military Training afterwhich I was posted to the School Of Infantry Specialists (Sispec). It was the worstr physical training I ever had and it was the fittest I ever was in my life. Training was hard but memorable and after 3 months, I was reposted to School Of Signals to be a Signal Specialist. During that time, i also applied to various scholarship boards and I was also admitted to Stanford University. It was during this time that I received the news that I have been awarded a government scholarship to study in the US. It was one of the happiest moment of my life.
US I was disrupted from the army in August 1999. I was really happy to go to Stanford and I reached Stanford on the 14 of Sptember 1999. This is the start of a new chapter in my life...... |