Academics: Course that I took or have credit for:
Physics: Physics 61 (Newtonian Mechanics) Physics 61N (Special topics in Mechanics) Physics 63 (Electricity and Magnetism) Physics 64 (EM lab) Physics 65 (Thermal Physics) Physics 66 (Heat Lab) Physics 86 (Cosmology) Physics 70 (Modern Physics) Physics 105(Electronics Laboratory) Physics 110 (Analytical Mechanics) Physics 111 (Waves and Oscillations; Fluid Mechanics) Physics 120 (Electrodyanmics) Physics 230(Quantum Mechanics)
Mathematics: Math 51H (Multivariable Calculus) Math 52H (Linear Algebra) Math 53H (Dynamical System and differential equations) Math 103 (Matrices) Math 106 (Complex Variable) Math 171 (Analysis) Math 180 (Introduction to Financial Mathematics)
Economics: Economics1 (Elementary Economics)
Introduction to Humanities: Freedom and Eros Myth and Modernity I Myth and Modernity I
Wrtiting and Critical Thinking: WCT I WCT II
Activity class: Fencing I |