Desktop Publishing |
Spring 2001 |
GIS 250 |
Two Credit Hours
Tuesdays/Thursdays, 10:00 - 10:50
Ms. Noel, Instructor (244-8106)
Course Description
Desktop Publishing has become a necessary skill for most busy offices, educational settings, and church and parchurch organizations to create newsletters, flyers, advertising brochures, bulletins, and web pages. This course will provide the necessary skills and knowledge base to allow the student to compete in this field.
Course Goals and Objectives
The student who satisfactorily completes this course should be familiar with the following:
How to construct and design effective publications
Working with graphics, scanned images, & downloading from the Internet
Creating effective web pages
Course Materials
Adobe PageMaker 6.5., Classroom in a Book
Zip Disk is preferable
Class Procedures
Each class will consist of hands-on demonstrations using PageMaker, guest speakers, presentations, individual instruction, and review. Peer teaching and cooperative learning will be encouraged.
Preparation, Participation, and Attendance
The student MUST read each chapter in the workbook and be familiar with the activities BEFORE each class session. Because of the nature of this class, it is imperative that the student be present for each session. Lack of proper preparation or more than one absence will be considered in the determination of each final grade and may result in the reduction of that grade.
Grading Policy
The student MUST read each chapter in the workbook and be familiar with the activities BEFORE each class session. Because of the nature of the class, it is imperative that the student be present for each session. Lack of proper preparation or more than one absence, will be considered in the determination of each final grade and may result in the reduction of your grade.
Individual portfolios MUST include, but are not limited to the following items:
Church Bulletin - Edit, copy, and redesign a two-page church bulletin or newsletter. (20 points)
Advertising Flyer - Create or copy an advertising flyer from a product or event.
(15 points)
Cycling Guide Book. (in your book - worth 25 points).
Project Proposal (in your book - worth 25 points)
Church Newsletter - Edit, copy, redesign, or create from scratch a two-page Newsletter (15 points)
Cover page with your name, and a checklist showing the items included.
*NOTE: The instructor reserves the right to make any necessary changes needed, to the syllabus during the semester.
Helpful Websites:
Home Micro PowerPoint Word CompComm