The Bulgarian Hawk Moths
Buresch & Tuleschkow (1930) report 21 hawk moth species from Bulgaria in their remarkable work about the butterfly and moth fauna of the country (Buresch & Tuleschkow, 1929-1943).
Julius Ganev extends the list to a total number of 25 Sphingidae species belonging to 18 genera in his Catalogue of the Bulgarian Bombyces and Sphinges (Ganev, 1984).
Two additional faunistic records with a new genus and two new species have been contributed by Stoyan Beshkov (Beshkov, 1990, 1998).
This makes a total of 27 hawk moth species and 19 genera reported from Bulgaria.
Agrius convolvuli (LINNAEUS, 1758)
Acherontia atropos (LINNAEUS, 1758)
Sphinx ligustri LINNAEUS, 1758
Hyloicus pinastri (LINNAEUS, 1758)
Dolbina elegans steffensi POPESCU-GORJ, 1971
Marumba quercus ([DENIS & SCHIFFERMÜLLER], 1775)
Mimas tiliae (LINNAEUS, 1758)
Smerinthus ocellatus (LINNAEUS, 1758)
Laothoe populi (LINNAEUS, 1758)
Hemaris tityus (LINNAEUS, 1758)
Hemaris fuciformis (LINNAEUS, 1758)
Hemaris croatica (ESPER, 1779)
Macroglossum stellatarum (LINNAEUS, 1758)
Proserpinus proserpina (PALLAS, 1772)
Daphnis nerii (LINNAEUS, 1758)
Rethera komarovi drilon REBEL & ZERNY, 1931
Hyles euphorbiae (LINNAEUS, 1758)
Hyles gallii (ROTEMBURG, 1775)
Hyles nicaea (DE PRUNER, 1798)
Hyles vespertilio (ESPER, 1780)
Hyles livornica (ESPER, 1780)
Hyles hippophaes (ESPER, 1793)
Deilephila elpenor (LINNAEUS, 1758)
Deilephila porcellus (LINNAEUS, 1758)
Hippotion celerio (LINNAEUS, 1758)
Theretra alecto cretica BOISDUVAL, 1827
Sphingonaepiopsis gorgoniades (HÜBNER, 1819)

©Dimitre Staykov