1. Does your lab contain a Christmas Tree in February?
Yes = 5 pt2. Does your EXCUSE for a lab have over 12 Jimmy John's menus taped all up and across the window of your lab?
No = 0 pts
No, but we have a sign in sheet for the 1,000 users per day = 0 pts
Yes = 5 pts3. Does your ... uh... or whatever it is.... uh... lab have a picture of Nikhil?
No = 1 pt
Our lab does not have a window in it = -2pts
Yes = 5 pts4. Do your lab attendants go to Molly's and Amnesia's together?
<No = 0 pts
Who in the hell in Nikhil? = -3 pts
Yes = 5 pts5. How many pizzas have the lab attendants and supervisors ordered, and got delievered peronsally to the lab attendant stations in the last week?
No, but we go to the library together = 3pts
No. What is Amnesia's? I keep forgetting = -1 pt
0-3 = 1 ptIf your pts total is equal or greater than 20, than you are able to proudly say, your lab is UML Worthy! However, that is probably not the case. You suck. Admit it.
4 or more = 5 pts
We are not allowed to have pizza in the lab = -2 pts