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Roy Taylor, distinguished past-Prytanis of our chapter, recently won an award for being the biggest Chicago Bears fan.

The "Visa Hall of Fans" contest was created in 1998 as a way to honor each NFL team's greatest fans in the Pro Football Hall of Fame.  Roy decided  to enter at the conclusion of the '99 season, but did not win.  Past winners were the guys who run around Soldier Field wearing a Bears head, carrying a flag after they scored.

In late November 2000, Roy received a phone call from a New York PR agency in New York asking him to resubmit his entry from the previous year.  Roy wrote an essay on why he should receive the award.
Roy found out the following Monday that had won.  Previous winners were honored with a weekend trip and banquet at the Hall of Fame in Canton, OH.  This year, there was a ceremony for him on the field.  It turns out that this is now the prize, a simple ceremony in front of the home crowd.

With a couple days notice, he got as many TKE tailgaters as possible to be at the game. Surf, Steve Turofsky, Joe Bider, Gary O'Donnell, friends, and other regulars joined the party.

Roy's private cheering section was full of beer and rooted for him as his name was announced in front if the (small) Bears crowd.  The Bears' representative showed up to hand over the award and must have been just out of ear-shot as Roy told everyone how pathetic he feels the organization has become over the last few years.

The funniest moment of the experience came as Roy was walking off the field.  An 80 year old man in a wheelchair in the first row verbally harassed Roy because he felt he's a bigger Bears fan than Roy was.  The Visa representative that presented Roy the award stepped in just as the old man suggested that Roy leave before he ripped the plaque out of his hands!

If  you ever make it to the Hall of Fame, look for Roy in the fan's wing.  He thanks everyone for their support and asks that anyone join him, Surf, and Turofsky for tailgating before Bears games next season.  Check out Roy's web site at

Photos courtesy of Steve Turofsky

Pi Class alumnus Frank Provenzano displays his pride for ISU by appearing in an ad on the back page of the Bloomington-Normal Visitors Guide.

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Last updated on January 2, 2005
Copyright 2005   Another Big Daddy/Poppin' Fresh Production