Mustache Mania
17th Edition
July 8th, 1999
Howdy Mustache fans! yes I have decided to put out another edition of MM already. This editions contains all the same stuff as the last issue, just with diffent words and stuff...you get the picture, if not I'll draw you one!
Adventures of Mustache Man...
Over the summer, Sparticus finally met up with me and Sucky-sucky... :~O ... We kicked ass and saved One Legg'id man and my love, Hewitt style!
A new drama has come to light, Jennifer...*sniff sniff* she, she has ummm, dumped...me sorry I need a tissue. Anyways I said screw her and now Neve Cambell my new love are having a blast...You can get my adventures of Mustache Man and Neve for $49.95.
Deep thoughts.....By Ben
Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale...Many of you will remember those famous opening lyrics from the hit TV sit-com Gilligan's Island. Most people know what the show was about...7 people ship wrecked on an uncharted island, but here is what the show was really about. It's all a big drug opperation. Okay you have Mr. and Mrs. Howell, millionaires. They both had the money to start off the project, and they are the business people in charge, that's why they always had so much money on the island... (3 hour tour my....) The Howell's hired the Professor to run the lab...remember all the needles he made... Then the Howell's hired the Skipper, he was the smuggler. After the Skipper they hired Ginger, Aka the movie star. Her job was to sell all the drugs to high profile/famous people. Mary Anne wasn't just a farm girl, she was a prostitute off the streets who sold the drugs to the average crackheads and students. Finally Gilligan, he was just some crackhead they found and keep him around to take the fall incase they ever got busted...No one could ever be that stupid and not be on crack. Also just a last second thought, the headhunters who surrounded the island, they were just a deturrent to keep authorities awa from the island.
Name that song...
The answer for the last issue for Name that song was I Touch Myself by the Devinyls. Congrats to all who got the correct answers:
Baz, Naomi, FrizzleToad, Captain Rat, Stumbleine and Arnita
This weeks is an oldie but a a goodie, I suspect it will be easy, so here we go!
"Hey where did we go, days when the rain came down in the hollow, Playin' a new game, Laughing and a running hey, hey skipping and a jumping in the misty morning fog with our hearts a thumpin'...."
E-mail your answers to mustachemania@hotmail.com please include your name, handle and if possible the issue number, thanks :{)
Trivia Time...
Last Issue I recieved only one response by CaptianRat who said "hoodoos" are rock formations. the actual correct answer is tree and/or rock formations. Close enough Rat boy :{)
This weeks question is:
Re-arranging all the letters in "ANTICOP" what brand of car does it spell?
good luck y'all, e-mail your answers to mustachemania@hotmail.com please include your handle/name issue number and your response
thanks :{)
This Week...by Ben
I had kind of a shitty week, I just spent all day looking for an open tattoo/piercing place. For some reason unknown to mankind they are all closed on mondays. And of course Sunday I swolled the bottom screwball thingy off my tounge ring...Yes i pierced my tounge this past summer, and yes my parents flipped, but hey what can I say. I also lost part of my glasses, forgot my jacket back home at the bar, and last but not least, I have to do it again. I have to write up a statement for the police back home from a fight I broke up. "r"!!!!!! Anyways that's all I have to say about that.
Send all questions, comments and submissions to mustachemania@hotmail.com
Also visit the Official Mustache Man website with all current and back issues. If you would like a link from Mustache Man's page, please contact him at mead1a@hotmail.com or mustachemania@hotmail.com or ICQ 5160216 thanks :{) please include your handle and or name thanks :{)
Official home page:
There is now a survey I would like people to fill out. There is a button on my webpage called ooo get this "survey" just click it and fill it out and send 'er on over.
thanks :{)
Survey page created by ShaddowStar
Phrase of the day...
"talkin' in class, that's a paddlin'"
Do you have stuff you'd like to have published in MM? well then send it on to me at mustachemania@hotmail.com include the usual stuff like your name/handle etc.
PS>>I got my Christmas light up last week! :{) Ho-ho-ho!
PSS>>I cut all my hair off...well not all but damn close compared to before.
this has been a Mustache Mania Production. All mustache names, logos and products are owned and copy righted by Mustache Inc ©1997,1998, 1999