Costa Rica 2004 - Page 3
Poás Volcano
This is the Poás Volcano's Crater.  The color of the liquid it's because of the sulfur content.  Later I have pictures on how sulfur embeds it self in the surroudings.
Poás Pictures
More Volcano picutres.
Poás Volcano
Last one...
Sulfur Demostration
See how the flower is turning to the same color as the substance inside the crater?
Poás Volcano
Our guide was telling us that one can only be there so much time because of the sulfur in the air.
Poás Volcano
These are the "Calderas". They are like chimineys that let the hot air out.
Sulfu Demostration
Here's Edisson showing us how that sulfur is infact on the air we breath.
Sulfur Demostration
SEEE!!!! Interesting, eh!
Page 4
Costa Rica - Page 2