Welcome to BradLand
this is not actually me.  you can tell it isn't me because i would never wear those shoes. Thanks for dropping by! I'm Brad, and this is my page. But if you're here, you probably already know me. Here's some stuff you can find on this, and subsequent, pages:
Story of the Day
(Last updated on 9/24/03.)
The most annoying thing on Earth
My current schedule of classes
(Last Updated: 10/1/03)
Interesting(?) Links
photos of the Grand Canyon I used to attend Arizona State University, located in Tempe, Arizona. To the right is a picture I took on campus [not working]. I also took a lot of pictures at the Grand Canyon, one of which is to the left. To see other pictures, click here.
I now attend Kalamazoo Valley Community College in Kalamazoo, Michigan.
photos of ASU campus
I write web sites in straight HTML encoding, which is why this is all sort of barebones. I detest editing programs; I feel that they only limit people who don't really know how to use them (including me).