Looking In

You look at me and see the girl who lives inside the golden world
But don't believe that's all there is to see.
You'll never know the real me.
She smiles through a thousand tears and harbors adolescent fears
She dreams of all that she can never be. She wades in insecurity
and hides herself inside of me.
Don't say she takes it all for granted.?I'm well aware of all I have
Don't think that I am disenchanted.
Please understand.
It seems as thought I've always been someboday outside looking in
Well, here I am for all of them to bleed.
But they can't take my heart from me and they can't bring me to my knees
They'll never know the real me...........


瀟瀟雨夜聽風聲苦楚 眼淚似是枯葉墮
漸記憶綿綿霧雨中 柳岸邂逅煙波渡過
淒淒雨夜冷清清燈火 借問暗示福或禍
望故苑梧桐尚憐我 秋意中等我
曾在半生蹉跎 帶淚回望悔不當初
庸人自困顧慮過多 痴情徒剩痛楚
急風撲滅冷燈一點火 愛念化做星月墮

感人的故事. 娜子.

???????????? To Be Updated .....????????????????

[Last Updated: 3/Nov/98]

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