Hi to all! (updated on 11/22/01)
I can’t believe that it’s been FIVE months since I last updated this main paragraph! So much time as passed, like the entire summer and most of this semester! I finished my internship, did the freshman orientations, babysat for a zillion hours, got a new cell phone and plan, helped out w\ the HOPE show, saw my Ursuline friends, went to Myrtle Beach (SO AWESOME!! Best trip EVER!!), and moved back into Loftus – that’s basically life into the start of my senior year! Yeah I know – it’s my last year of college – I love college life so much that I don’t wanna even think about graduating (more on my post-grad options later)!
Senior year has been a blast so far! Too Many Nights and Homecoming were awesome, pledging has come and gone (congrats to Jessica!), the Halloween party was alot of fun, my schedule is great, and I still love living in the residence hall (fancy term for "dorm")! My dance performance (otherwise known as my dancing debut at Iona, or my return to the dancing stage after a 16-year hiatus) on 11/15 went well (it’s part of my Dance Ensemble class – an awesome way to get 3 credits) and I had so much fun doing it! Clear your calendars for 8pm on Friday, April 26th – that’s when my next performance is, and Keith’s in it too!
Speaking of Keith, he’s so awesome! We’ve been together for over 7 months now and he hasn’t gotten sick of me yet (or at least I don’t think he has)! I got to meet all of his aunts, uncles, and cousins on his mom’s side last Saturday (approx. 40 relatives in total), when we went to his grandparents’ 50th anniversary mass and party, which was sooooo much fun! He took his LSATs in October (he did well) and is currently applying to law school. Grapefruit smoocheezees! (inside joke)
As for the extra-curricular stuff (which takes up 90% of my time – babysitting takes up about 9.5%, sleep takes up 0.4% and schoolwork takes up 0.1% -- what senior thesis?!), I’m still a Campus Minister (duh, since I still live in Loftus), and with CM, I’m co-cordinator of the Midnight Runs (hey Mike!) and the Liturgical Assistant (I help schedule, update, and train lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, and acolytes for masses), in addition to doing other misc. CM stuff. Beta Chi is going well – we did a whole lot this semester so far – a car wash, movie night, info sessions, alumnae brunch, hosted hospitality dinner, organized a candlelight vigil for alcohol-related incidents, etc., in addition to participating in other events on campus. I’m still a DJ on WICR (my show this semester is on Fridays from 12-1pm), but I didn’t run for the webmaster position this year b/c I knew I wouldn’t have the time to work on the website. As for tours, I like to say that I’m freelancing w\ it – I don’t do them on a regular basis, but if a tour guide is needed, I can give a tour (like for Open House or special visits). A month or so ago, I started as an assistant teacher for the "Computers for Absolute Beginners" LIRIC course, which is a program for retired adults. It’s really fun teaching them how to use the computer, browse the internet, and use e-mail. Next semester, I’m going to be an actual teacher, which means that I will fully prepare the lectures and lead the lab sessions (right now, I just pitch in w\ the lectures and lead the lab sessions). I’m also involved with the Ursuline Alumnae Board, which is interesting, as I get to make alot of connections and get to keep my connection w\ Ursuline. I can’t forget Cultural Mentorship – I, with the rest of my group, get to see some sort of show or exhibit once a month, free of charge! I’ve seen the NY Philharmonic Orchestra and Kiss Me Kate so far, and we’re going to see the Alvin Ailey Dance Theatre in December. All the program asks is that we go to a one-hour prep session beforehand and go to a short wrap-up session afterwards – it’s funded by some sort of grant, so that’s why it’s free. I’m looking forward to my three mission trips this year – Nazareth Farm in January, Washington D.C. during spring break (I’m leading it), and Peru in May – isn’t college great?!
So, you’re probably wondering what I’m doing after graduation, right? (By the way, graduation is on Saturday, May 18th at 10am.) Well, I go to Peru two days later, and after that... well, I’m not sure. I’ve toyed with the ideas of grad school, work, and volunteering for a year or so. I’m gradually eliminating grad school, just because I’m getting sick of computer classes and I’ve looked at the computer classes offered by several grad schools and they all seem sickening. Although I was thinking about going to grad school just to get it out of the way (I’ve been in school for 16 years – what’s another 2 more?), I don’t want to go for a degree that results after being miserable in classes. So, to make a long story short, I’m still exploring my options. Also, I really don’t want to move back home after this year, just because I like living on my own / with a roommate or two – it’s nothing against my family – I’m just used to that lifestyle now. I wouldn’t mind shelling out the money for rent and utilities either, provided that I have a job that will enable me to afford it. I don’t think that I’d be able to afford an apartment on my own, so I’m asking around to see if any of my friends might be interested in getting an apartment after this year.
Anyhoo, I think that pretty much sums up my life right now! I’m just focused on enjoying the rest of my senior year and living it up! I feel really bad that I’ve been slacking on the communication with so many people – you’d think that it’d be easier with all of today’s technology, but with better technology comes busier people! Nevertheless, I still want to keep in touch with all of you and I would live it if you could still keep in touch with me! So, drop me a line and let me know what's going on w\ you -- if I know you and you don't have my contact info, e-mail me and let me know, okies? Keep in touch via e-mail, my guestbook, the good ol' phone -- whatever floats your boat! See ya and keep on smiling! :)
If you want to read the my main paragraphs (that were posted on my page) for the past few months, click here. Also, here's a list of things that you can do to be on my good list:
1) SIGN MY GUESTBOOK You'll make me incredibly happier (yes, I can get happier than I already am!)!!
2) Keep checking back here to see what's new. If you have any ideas for what I can put on my page, by all means let me know!
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This candle is lit for Mike Brady, a dear friend of mine, who passed away on March 21, 2000. His gentleness touched my life and the lives of all who knew him. Like a candle lights up a room, so did Mike whenever he was around. We all miss him and will never forget him. Mike, thanks for the memories! |
Really cool! Nazareth Farm -- see pics and more from this inspiring mission trip!
Linky! Links Galore -- a whole page dedicated to my links (descriptions and all)!
Ringy! My webrings -- join the ones that apply to your site!
Nostalgic! Retro Pics -- see a comparison of my past and present pictures!
Still there! My summer movie reviews -- what did I think of the movies I saw last summer?
With pride! My awards page -- see what awards this site has won so far!
Updated! Photo of the Week -- what pic could it be?
Picturesque! Gallery O' Pictures -- hey, maybe you're on it (or just your house or couch)!
Open! Valentine's Day Dance '99 -- see the pics from this awesome night!
Open! Chicago -- see the many pics from my first mission trip!
Open! Founder's Day '99 -- see the pics from the carnival!
Open! Memorial Day Weekend '99 -- see the pics from the trip to Jersey and more!
Open! St. Gabe's Harborside Family Festival '99 -- see the pics from one of the best volunteering days ever!
Historical! My Family Research Project -- my final research paper from my first semester of freshman year
Annual (well, only this one time)! My 19th birthday -- read about how I spent this fun day!
Seasonal! My summer of 1999 -- read about how I spent last summer!
Open of course! My new (as of 6/25/99) guestbook signing page -- sign it if you haven't done so already!
Open for your viewing pleasure! My first guestbook, second guestbook, and newest guestbook
Cool! My own message board -- check it out to see what's going on with everyone in my world!
For reference! How to link to me -- you can add my banner to your page!
Dutifully! Credits -- see what it took to put my page together!