David W. Lingner, Ph.D.
Adjunct Chemistry Professor
Miramar Collegedlingner@sdccd.net; Phone: (858) 826-6175; or Fax: (413) 832-2969
This Semester at Miramar
Education and Work History
- Chemistry 151, Evenings, Spring 2000
- Bates College, B.S. Chemistry and Mathematics, 1978
- Purdue University, Ph.D. Chemistry, 1985
- Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Post-Doctoral Research, 1985-88
- Grossmont College, Adjunct Chemistry Professor, 1988-1991
- National University, Adjunct Oceanography & Chemistry Professor, 1989-1991
- Science Applications International Corporation, Senior Scientist, 1990-Present
- Miramar College, Adjunct Chemistry Professor, 1991-Present
Interests and Hobbies
- Disc Golf (Morley Field, one of my favorite places in S.D.)
- Family
- Travel
- Websites
- School Volunteer
- Ecology
- Science Policy
- Basketball
- Environment
- Games (invite "pipilo" to play a game)
Miramar Chemistry Department
Miramar Biology Department