You are responsible for laboratory safety. You will be handling
glassware, fire, and chemicals which may be flammable, corrosive, reactive,
and/or otherwise toxic. The most frightening aspect of this is that your
classmates (some of whom may not have read the lab manual nor listened
very well in the prelab discussion) are handling the same dangerous materials.
Each student must be responsible for following all safety rules.
Some general rules are outlined below. Others will be distributed with
your check-in materials. Still more rules will stated by your instructor
for specific labs. Please be safe.
- Safety goggles (not glasses with side shields).
- Required at all times when anyone in the room is doing an experiment.
- If you need a break from goggles, leave the room for a while.
- Students violating Rule 1.a. will be dismissed for the evening.
(Goggles are available in the bookstore and local hardware or safety
supply shops.)
- Proper clothing.
- Old clothes. (Note: strong acids will dissolve most fabrics.)
- Shoes with tops (to protect against falling objects or chemicals).
- Experiments.
- Conduct experiments strictly as outlined in the lab manual.
- No unauthorized experiments.
- Never use laboratory chemicals or equipment without an instructor
- List of NO's.
- No fooling around with chemicals or equipment.
- No messy bench tops. Clean up all spills immediately.
- No smoking.
- No eating.
- List of KNOW's.
- Know hazards of each particular chemical. (see MSDS)
- Know location of all safety equipment.
- Know when and how to use all safety equipment.
- Know what you're doing in the lab, and why you're doing it.
Additional rules will be presented on the first day, and later for specific
- Violation of any safety rule may result in dismissal from class.
- If dismissed, you lose credit for the lab.
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