Christmas Remembrance
by Bill Richer
With sleighs, snowmen and snow covered ground,
This is when Christmas comes merrily around.
With children waiting with quiet anticipation,
Santa Claus comes to deliver every expectation.
It's the season to find and decorate a tree.
It's the time for the spirit to be full of glee.
It's a period for families to gather with care.
They exchange gifts, talk and have a bit of cheer.
Still. there is a part of Christmas many leave out.
It is the birth of Jesus Christ without a doubt.
They really enjoy to eat, drink, laugh and sing.
Yet, they forget what this momentous day did bring.
Hence, we must recall this occasion in a Holy way.
We must find time to cease for a moment and pray.
Then, every year at the Yule-tide without delay,
We must place Christ into our Christmas Holiday.

Merry Christmas! Thank you for your dropping by! I have used the revision time during exam period to update my wonderland. I rush to finish it because I want to catch the Christmas time - the festival I like the most. It is a good time for us to show our love and care to the people surrounding us. Hope that you will have a warm and cheerful Christmas la! All best wishes, my friend! And now, hope you can enjoy my work again la! =>

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