Bulletin Board

Lucianno Pavarotti Gala - April 6th, 2002
Century II, Wichita KS

KMEA/CMENC Membership,

Wichita Grand Opera, Inc. would like to develop a relationship with KMEA/CMENC in the mutual interest of educating our students and the public about Opera. Wichita Grand Opera will be presenting a clinic session on Saturday of the In-Service Workshop to describe the types of educational programs that they have in place and discuss plans they have for Outreach and Growth. They are also interested in becoming acquainted with music educators statewide that would be interested using their services. Of course, they are interested in developing an audience, both young and not-as-young, for the productions that they will be bringing to Kansas. As a starting point to achieve these goals, President/CEO Parvan Bakardiev is making KMEA/CMENC members and their immediate families an exclusive offer to attend the Lucianno Pavarotti Gala event on April 6, 2002 in Wichita.

Individual tickets to the black tie Concert/Dinner/Ball normally cost $600. Mr. Pavarotti has limited the number of tickets that may be sold in this manner to 700 so that he can meet as many of the guests as possible at the Ball. Because of the educational priority of the Wichita Grand Opera these tickets are now available to KMEA members for $150 each IF we can sell 250 of them. Should we not be able to sell 250 the offer is withdrawn. The deadline for this offer is February 23, 2002.

Members that wish to take advantage of this amazing offer should send a check (made out to Wichita Grand Opera, Inc.); their MENC membership number; and a stamped, self-addressed envelope to me (the address is be listed below). We will not be allowed to purchase more than 300 tickets, so tickets requests will be filled on a first received basis. I will hold the money until we reach the 250-ticket figure or the February 23 deadline has passed. Should we not make the required ticket sale the checks will be returned in the stamped, self-addressed envelope. When we reach 250 tickets and until we exceed 300 tickets the stamped, self-addressed envelopes will be used to mail your tickets to you. When we have exceeded the 300-ticket limit your money will be returned.

You may send your reservations immediately. I will periodically keep you posted about the number of tickets we have sold. Send reservations to:

Ron Chronister
320 West St.
Halstead, KS 67056

This information will be included in my President's Message that is going on the website (http://www.ksmea.org) soon if anyone needs to check the details again.


MENC Collegiate Web Site

I am pleased to announce that the revised Collegiate Network Web Site is online! Available is all information from the handbook, resource kit, forms, site links, and more. You can now read, download, or connect to almost everything you might need for your Collegiate chapter. Click http://menc.org/networks/collegiate/frontpagecollegiate.htmlto to enter the "Chapter Operations" section.

Forms for the "Chapter of Excellence" and the "Professional Achievement Award" can be downloaded by clicking http://menc.org/networks/collegiate/Forms.html. We hope many of you will take advantage of these awards for your students and chapters.

We are very excited to bring you this added benefit. We especially would like to see a sharing of ideas from chapter to chapter through our "Open Forum". Please offer this information to your chapter members for we feel that this is an excellent way to nurture chapter involvement and generate fresh ideas.

Remember, we look forward to our Collegiate members attending the 2002 National Conference in Nashville April 11-13. We have sessions specially formatted for music majors like "Classroom Management for Student Teachers", "Music Education/Music Therapy: What Color is your Degree Future", "Structuring Your Collegiate MENC Chapter To Promote Maximum Participation", and more along with all the other sessions covering various disciplines. Also at the National Conference for Collegiate members will be a reception and dance on Friday night April 12. We will have a DJ and refreshments, will be announcing the winners of the Chapter of Excellence awards, will offer line dance instruction, and will have a brief presentation by Selmer representatives who will be there to sponsor the dance.

These are some exciting happenings for our collegiate members. Let us know if there is anything we can do to help you promote your chapter, or help with your chapter operations. Please share all of this information with your membership and have them contact us at any time with questions or concerns.

You are the future of music education, and we thank you for everything you do!

Pierre Beelendorf
Director: MENC Student Programs
MENC: The National Association for Music Education
1806 Robert Fulton Drive
Reston, VA 20191-4348
ph: 800-336-3768
fax: 703-860-9443
email: pierreb@menc.org


TAKE NOTE: MENC Leadership E-Update
MENC Launches “MusicFriends”

MENC is pleased to introduce “MusicFriends” - a special membership program for parents, community members and all supporters of music education.

MusicFriends has been developed to serve the many individuals who contact MENC to find out how they can support music education both locally and on a national level. The contribution requested for membership is only $14 annually. Members receive a quarterly e-newsletter and various other benefits, including access to a Web bulletin board. Please visit the new MusicFriends Web Site at http://www.musicfriends.org to read the promotional brochure about the program and view some of the resources.

The MusicFriends program will provide a national network for citizens interested in helping ensure that all children have access to music education at school. To read a press release, visit http://www.menc.org/publications/press/releases.html#29jan01. For a printed brochure, please call 800-828-0229 or email mbrserv@menc.org.


Since MENC's adoption of NotationStation as the official technology platform, many music teachers have been tapping into school technology budgets, rather than music budgets, to fund their music programs and subscribe to NotationStation. This is especially true as the school year nears end and teachers discover unused technology funds still available to them.

Commented Nathaniel Weiss, President and CEO of GVOX, "Nearly every other subject - English, Math, Social Studies, Languages - has a corresponding platform and business that is addressing these technology budgets. Music Education has not had a platform until NotationStation, and therefore has always had to rely on fringe budgets. We can change that."

Stated Suzan Vandertie, Music Coordinator at the Moon Area School District in PA, "We had been considering expanding our use of technology in the music department for some time. Part of the funding for NotationStation came from our curriculum budget. The other part came from our technology budget."

Similarly, Paul Pitts, Music Director at the Boston Latin School, reported, "The funding for NotationStation came from our technology budget. It is allowing me to use technology to teach students and it allows them to practice ear training."

If you are interested in finding out more about how you can tap into technology funding and subscribe to NotationStation, please contact Debbie Taormina at 215-922-0880 X 161 or via email at sales@notationstation.net.

Dixie Kats

Manhattans Premier Dixieland Jazz Band

The Dixie Kats specialize in authentic Dixieland music. This kind of music has always been known as a crowd pleaser and will work great for your next event. Whether it is a company picnic, a formal affair, or a small gathering, the Dixie Kats will add that special touch that makes your event a sure success!

The Dixie Kats consist of a saxophone, clarinet, trumpet, trombone, tuba, and drums. The Dixie Kats are currently available for your next event, but be sure to make your reservation soon!

For More Information Contact:

Dixie Kats
Manhattan’s Premier Dixieland Jazz Band
Ask for: Shawn M. Knopp
Phone: 785-537-4695
Email: dixiekats@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.dixiekats.2000c.net