Take Note
The Third "Take Note" issue was sent out December 1st, 2001. It contains information about the 2002 In-Service Workshop, information for students wanting to run for state president/vice president, names of students participating on the Tri-M panel, etc. If you are a student, please ask your advisor or your chapter president for a copy of it. They were asked to copy it off for you. If you did not receive one, please email/call me and I will mail you a copy.
KMEA In-Service Workshop, 2002
The KMEA Inservice Workshop 2002 will be held
February 21-23, at Century II in Wichita, KS. This years clinics designed for CMENC students will be the following:
1. "Classroom Management Techniques for Special Learners" Friday 10:30 - 11:30am, Century II, #208 - Elaine Bernstorf, classroom management with special needs students
2. "Music Teaching As A Career: Challenges and Rewards" Friday 2:45-3:45pm, Century II, #204 - Mel Clayton, National MENC President,
3. "So, you want to be a Music Teacher" Saturday 11:00 - 12:00pm, Century II, #207 - Monica Cromwell, Travis Hale, Nathan Biggs, Jennifer Wassemiller, and Rebecca Rogers
This information is also printed in the January Kansas Music Review.
Also, don't forget:
1. CMENC Luncheon, Friday, 12:00-1:00pm, Century II, Room #202 - There will be no speaker this year. We will spend this time to allow students who are running for a state office to give their speeches. CMENC members may vote for their candidate of choice at the registration table. Results will be posted Saturday at the CMENC Business Meeting.
2. CMENC Business Meeting, Saturday, 10:00-11:00am, Century II, Room #101- Please come to this meeting to support the new state officers and bring ideas for future events/activities that CMENC can be a part of. New ideas are always welcomed and appreciated.
3. Tri-M/CMENC Mixer, Friday, 9:45-11:00pm, Century II, Service Club - This will be a social dance that Tri-M and CMENC members are both invited too. If you like dancing and socializing, come and have some fun! Free refreshments will be provided.
I am proud to announce the following CMENC students have been chosen to participate in the 2002 ISW Tri-M panel.
* Andrea Gilligan - Emporia State Univesity
* Staci Horton - McPherson College
* Leo Rexwinkle - Independence Community College
* Shannon O'Toole - University of Kansas
* Jenna Hirsch - Baker University
This panel will be called "So, You're Going to College." It will meet Friday, 10:15-11:15am in Century II, Service Club. This clinic will be geared toward Tri-M students wanting to be music majors in college. However, please come to this panel and support your fellow CMENC colleagues. There will be open discussion that you make ask questions and share your input as well.
KMEA Website
KMEA has just finished a brand new design for their website!!! Check it out at:
It is now up and running. It contains information not on just CMENC, but KMEA and all it's fellow associates, like KBA, ACDA, etc. It will have the names of the students who made the All-State ensembles, forms to fill out for auditions, sign up sheets to join KMEA and much more. Please take some time and look at this site. I think you will find it quite useful, especially after you've graduated, become a teacher and member of KMEA.
What is new with your chapter?
We would like to know about all the events that your
chapter is planning for the next year and then we would make a master calendar for everyone. This project would help encourage all chapters to communicate and be involved with one another. Students could particpate in performances, workshops and clinics throughout the state. Please email/mail this information to me as soon as possible. Also include any chapter growth you have this next year.
Chapters Within The State
*Baker University #561
*Bethany College #167
*Bethel College #385
Coffeyville Community College #702
Colby Community College #965
*Emporia State University #199
*Fort Hays State University #193
*Fort Scott Community College #1001
*Friends University #251
Garden City Community College #531
*Independence Community College #249
*Kansas City Community College #838
*Kansas State University #26
*Kansas Weslyan #109
Labette Community College #981
*McPherson College #59
*Mid-American Nazerene College #549
*Ottawa University #334
*Pittsburg State University #376
*Southwestern College #210
*Sterling College #634
Tabor College #320
*University of Kansas #154
Washburn University #173
*Wichita State University #65
* = Active Chapters
How to Contact the CMENC State Executive Board
Mac Knight - President
1620 McCain Lane #12
Manhattan, KS 66502
(785) 539-4324
email: mak7777@ksu.edu
Andrea Gilligan - Vice President
Emporia, KS
email: andigil78@yahoo.com
Terry Meadows - Secretary
1826 Anderson #10
Manhattan, KS 66502
email: tjm6767@ksu.edu
John Huber - Advisor
Fort Hays State University
Music Department
600 Park Street
Hays, KS 67601
(785) 628-5328
email: jhuber@fhsu.edu