Cyberspace and Politics

Cyberspace is a technological advancement that has opened doorways to many multiple possibilities. The world today would not function properly without the use of cyberspace. Now, with a push of a button, anything can be accessed from personal bank statements to local news in countries that exist thousands of miles from our own. The study of politics has fascinated the world since the age of the Greeks. This study has helped many people understand the workings of Government and Democracy. When combined, Politics and Cyberspace open up a million and one possibilities to be explored. The concept of the Internet has been credited to three main individuals. Robert Taylor, Paul Baran, and Donald Watts Davies have all been sited in Iternet development stories. The Internet could be considered the father of Cyberspace. Political information about every form of government can be contacted by entering the proper website address. Almost every major politician has obtained a web page to display his or her personal and political agendas. This has helped many constituents understand there local politicians better. Law has also been revitalized by the World Wide Web. Many Cyberspace Law Cases have become a main site in the nineties. These negative side effects have occured during the exploration of Cyberspace also. Top secret government files have been known to exchange hands by the press of an enter key. Terrorism has also taken place throughout the internet on international fronts. These terrorist plots have had a big effect on Politics here and abroad. Now the government has stepped in many times to regulate and restrict certain actions on the internet. These events have caused many basic American beliefs to be questioned. One being the First Amendment which has been in existence since our country's birth. Many law cases have been born because of the misuse of Cyberspace. Most of the cases were related to First Amendment abuse. This is amendment protects every Americans Right to Free Speech. Many of these cases occurred in 1997. Reno V. American Civil Liberties Union brought about a stir in the field of law pertaining to Cyberspace. The case contained views on the First Amendment and Indecent Speech. The First Amendment grounded the Communication Decency Act's "indecent trasmission" and "patently offensive display" provisions. This case was surrounded by similar cases made by government officials who mean to control the words that are spread throughout the net. American Library Association V. Pataki is another case against indecent speech on the net. The case contained the Dormant Commerce Clause and Indecent Speech also. Struck down by Commerce Clause grounds a New York version of the Communication Act. The Act represents an unconstitutional projection of New York law into behavior thats occurs wholly outside New York. The Act is invalid because although protecting children from obscene material is a valid and indisputable subject of state legislation, the problems inflicted on interstate commerce resulting from the Act clearly surpasses any local benefit derived from it. Finally, the Internet is one of those domains of commerce that must be signalled off as a national preserve to shield users from inconsistent legislation that, taken to its most extreme, could destroy the growth of the Internet altogether. Other Cyberspace Court Cases plagued by First Amendment Violations have also found their way into the news. Planned Parenthood V. Bucci is a case that was concerned with trademark violations. Planned Parenthood sued Bucci, an anti-abortion activist, who had registered with the domain name Defenses based on parody and First Amendment were not convincing, and preliminary injunction was granted. Even big corporations such as Motorola have had problems concerning the World Wide Web. The NBA V. MOTOROLA, INC drawed media attention throughout the United States. This case was concerned with Federal Copyright and "hot news". Motorola ran a pager and website that offered updated sport scores in almost real time. The NBA sued under a state common-law theory of misappropriation of hot news. Motorola shielded with federal preemption. The court held that a narrow "hot news" misappropriationtort survives preemption, but that Motorola's operation did not constitute a misappropriation (narrowly understood). Another sight of Cyberspace and Political Science merging is electronic literacy, collaboration, and critical pedagogy. These innovations may cocern the writing profession more but many Political Scientist's have written papers on the progress of politics. These advancements in writing have helped improve the quality of the writing that has been submitted to be published. This also shows that focus has been put not only on the fininshed product but, also the means of achieving it. New spectators that have just arrived to the field of computers may find it interesting to know that electronic literacy has gained considerable attention in both academic and popular culture. In classrooms, computers are becoming as common as the black board. The future of Politics as well as every other profession is being dictated by this powerful innovation that has captured the world. Now as Cyberspace grows, new technological advancements create bridges that lead all political scientists to the untold secrets and knowledges of the "information highway". One begins to think just how far will cyberspace take us. Could Cyberspace be as infinite as its name suggests. Only time will tell how far the World Wide Web's influence will reach and if it will ever end.

Tuskegee University

Department of Political Department



The purpose of this paper is to examine two different musical commentaries on American Politics. Music has always been a reflection of the times. Music has always given the American people a clear view of the era in which it was made. I will argue in this paper that certain rap songs have shown accurate descriptions of the politics that have been responsible for keeping the poor and the minorities of this country down for many years. My two selections will be Jay-Z's Dead Presidents and the late Tupac Shakur's Hellrazor. Both selections give information about the political system that drives and shapes the United States. Dead Presidents shows the power that money holds over many aspects of American life. Money has been an important part of all political careers. Tupac's Hellrazor explains the violence that has occured because of the governments poor judicial systems. Shakur also shows in Hellrazor that those with wealth hold all the power in American society.


One main reason for politics in Jay-Z's songs is to explain the reasons for his illegal actions. The reason for politics in Tupac's songs is to bring attention to the problems facing the African American race. The first reason is visualized in Dead Presidents. Jay-Y talks about the power of many and lack of it in the African American community. He goes into indepth explanation of the illegal actions he takes insure his success in the world. Jay-Z also explains the reasons for his illegal methods. The chances for good legal employment in this country are slim in Jay-Z's eyes. He believed drugs were the only alternative to being broke. The second reason is visualized by Tupac's Hellrazor. Tupac talks about the judicial system and the many problems that exist within it. He mentions the death of a young girl as the result of cop negligence. This death is due to the failing judicial system in the United States. Shakur blamed the government for the way minorities were treated in today's society. Tupac and Jay-Z both felt the government was responsible for the negative things happening in the African American community.


Jay-Z's Dead Presidents is a ryhme that is directed towards money and power. In politics money is power just like in Jay-Z's song. Politicians have always been influenced by people who have the proper finances. In Dead Presidents, Jay-Z uses the phrase "enough dollars make sense". This phrase is used to show the ability of money to make anyone come around to a certain person's viewpoint. In politics, money is a very important commodity. Money is a necessity in any campaign. If money is desperately needed then the right backer can convince a politician to see anything his way. Dead Presidents mirror the American Political System's value on money absolutely. Another way Dead Presidents depict American Politics is in campaign spending. Jay-Z says the phrase,"The dead presidential canidate with the sprinkles in the presidential" in Dead Presidents. Jay-Z is referring to the money used by presidential canidates to obtain the presidency. Most parties in politics are directed by campaign contrabutions. This is the side of politics that is depicted by Jay-Z's rap songs. Hellrazor by Tupac Shakur looks at the more corrupt side of American Politics. Shakur mentions the death of a little girl named Tasha that could have been prevented if weren't for the governments mediocre law enforcement. Pac believes the judicial branch of the government has many problems that have resulted in the mistreatment of the African American race. Shakur also comments on the corrupt political system that is doing nothing to improve the lifes of minorities in the ghetto. In Hellrazor, Tupac says, "All the rich in the world are safe while the poor babies are rushing to an early grave". Politics has never had a very pleasing reputation in the American culture. In the days of Mackievelli, politics was thought of as pure evil. Tupac further implies this meaning in todays society. Hellrazor shows Tupac's distrust of the American government's politics to the fullest.


In conclusion, I have shown two rap songs that have discussed two major sides of Americans Politics. Tupac Shakur and Jay-Z have both used the government and politics to further develope their writing skills. They have also given to very accurate descriptions of American Politics in today's society. Music will continue to critique American society for many years to come. Politics seems to be the hot topic for most rap artists in the ninties. This will probably continue throughout the year 2000 also. Music will always provide people with the choice to give their honest opinions without hindrance from the government. Its an American right to be able to express yourself freely without fear of punishment from the government. Right now, music is the chosen verbal weapon of many African American youths.

Tukegee University

Department of Political Science



The purpose of this essay is to show the intricate relationship that exists between a political system and a economical system. These two systems have direct control over how much freedom a citizen is going to enjoy in their country. My main argument is that socialisim may improve life considerably for some citizens, but socialisim also takes away many basic rights that are deserved by any citizen of any country. If a government is run by socialisim than the freedoms a capitalistic government offers will cease to exist. The rules of a socialist country are usually inforced by a brutal military regime. China is no exception when it comes to military brutality. In my paper, I will proceed by showing the brutality in which the Chinese military uses to keep their political system together. I will also contrast economical conditions that exist in China with economical conditions that exist in the United States. This information should give a complete analysis of both forms of government.


One main deffect of China's socialist government is the absence of choices offered by the Chinese government. The second main deffect is Chinas use of a brutal military regime to enforce its laws upon the many citizens. The first deffect is visualized by the numerous demonstrations that have been held to protest the oppressive Chinese government. China's youth have tried many times to voice their opinions with protest for the rights they so richly deserved. These peaceful demonstrations usually ended in a bloody massacre initiated by the local militia. Most of China's military units are designed to put down any internal resistance that occurs. Loss of rights and military brutality seem to be significantly related in China. China's economic state has always been controlled by officials in the government. All positions must be assigned and permitted by the government. No one is allowed to plan their own future without the socialist government's approval. A free market economy cannot be applied to a political system that takes total control over its citizen's future.


One theoretical perspective focused on in my report is that socialism and democracy are compatible. The other theoretical perspective is that in order to have a free market democracy the political system must not be socialist. My theory agrees that capitalism cannot exist within a socialist government. Socialism, in my opinion, is not a suitable environment for the growth and progress of capitalism. Some critics believe China is slowly advancing towards the United State's style of economy. I believe that this will not continue to happen because a socialist government controls too much of their citizen's economical future. In a democracy, people have the freedom to plan out their own economical futures. In a socialist country, the government plans the production, distrubition, and exchange of goods. The citizens of China are usually handled by the military if a dispute occurs. The first theoretical perspective stated in my theory was that socialism and democracy are compatible. Many people believe that democratic socialism can keep up with socialist ideas and still promise individual freedom. Critics also say that the Chinese government has met many of its citizen's needs. The government has supposedly alleviated poverty, developed the economy, and raised the standard of living. If this were true then there would not be any reason for any protesting in China. On the other hand, the United States has become a land of crime and poverty. This theoretical perspective is full of many problems. Next, I will give evidence on why the socialist Chinese government cannot support democracy.


The history of China proves that socialism cannot support a democracy. A prime example of Socialist China's rejection of democracy is the Tiananmen Square Massacre. In 1987, students protested the unfair treatment of workers and students. China used the armed services to dispatch the students that were protesting. General Secretary Zhao Zinyang expressed his support for the students, but was put under house arrest for it. Students told reporters that the dead were stacked on top of each other and cremated so that positive identifications could not be made. This made it impossible to identify the bodies or keep a proper death toll. China used the media to warp the perception of on looking Americans. The Chinese Socialist Government only let the media see the protestors as ruthless attackers. The soldiers were viewed as innocent peasants who had recently joined the Chinese Militia. Many viewed the massacre as a battle between Democracy and Communist. One student felt the massacre was for the right "to wear nikes". This student believed the demonstration was staged for the right of Western Corporations to plunder the Chinese market. Who is to say what the real purpose of the Tananmen Square Massacre. One has to admit that the massacre did cause major attention to be focused on the Chinese Socialist Government. An estimated 3,000 people were found dead and 12,000 wounded. This major political upheaval shows the problems that ocurr when an oppressive government tries to take complete control over its citizen's lifes. Individual opinons cannot be tolerated in a authoritarian government. China's government has built up its military to put down any internal strife. Over 200 million Chinese serve in local militias that are designed to stop internal combustion. Over 1 million Chinese serve in the Parliamentary People's Armed Police and 50 million Chinese serve nationwide in the Ministry of Public Security. There are 60 different offenses alone that are punishable by death in China. United State's military focuses on maintaining its citizen's rights. The Chinese military seems to prevent citizens from having rights. Democracy is just not a luxury politicians in China can afford. The increase in military alone shows how afraid the Chinese government is of democracy. The Tiananmen Square Massacre made most Americans realize how precious individual freedom really is. It also made many Chinese realize what was being witheld from them.


One case shown in my paper discusses the possibility of a socialist democracy's existence in the twentieth century. The Chinese government states that their citizens have all of their rights intact. The citizens have job stability and have no worries. Inner turmoil in China has proven these statements to be far from true. China's government may seem to give all of its citizens rights, but many of its citizens have openly complained about China's tight grip on its citizens. China controls every aspect of its citizen's life. The government even regulates the amount of babies born a year. China has attempted to control the future of everyone and everything. Could this controlling government possibly be a socialist democracy. My argument has always been that democracy will never coincide with a socialist government. A democracy is a government by the people for the people. The majority of the people control the political government. They decide on what is fair and what is unconstitutional. Socialist government's are controled by a small number of politicians that rule with the help of a strong military regime. In my evidence, I have stated that China has over 200 million people serving in the local militia alone. The Chinese politicians try to use the military to keep the peace in their self-destructive country. As I write, China is on the verge of a political revolution because of its tight reign on its citizens. The Tiananmen Square Massacre was the just beginning of the upcoming turmoil that is going to soon arise in China. China's population has grown tired of the government's oppresive reign over them. The youth of China have staged many protests to benefit the move for democracy in China. The Tiananmen Square may not be the last protest to turn destructive and violent. Most people examine the economical system to show the major differences between a capitalism and socialism. How can any government that decides what is produced, give freedom to its citizens. It has already taken away freedom.


In conclusion, I have shown that capitalism cannot be suitably obtained in a socialist country. Democracy is a better companion to capitalism. The United States shows that democracy and capitalism work better together than most economical and political systems. China has also been a perfect example of socialism's incompatibility with capitalism. A government that plans every aspect of your life automatically takes away your individual freedoms.The many demonstrations for rights in China show this. A free market can only thrive in a free political system. Milton Friedman's view in Capitalism and Freedom is truly the most logical perspective.


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