Coming Out

ASU isn't exactly liberal in its attitudes, but Jonesboro has a service area of some 300,000 people. If Kinsey is right then 30,000 of them are gay, and if the most conservative estimates are more representative then 3,000 are homosexuals. ASU can lay claim to between 100 and 1,000 of its very own!

Only a small percentage of homosexuals are 'out,' however. 'Out' is a phrase that is usually used to apply to people who don't care what people say about them. This is a misrepresentation of reality in many cases though - homophobia and small-mindedness always hurt, no matter how 'out' you are, but for many such close-mindedness is the biggest hurdle between leading a secret double-life of closeted thoughts and negative overreactions, and coming to terms with your sexuality.
SAL's aim is to provide support to ASU students at whatever stage in the process of coming out at which they may be. Some students, for personal and private reasons, wish to remain relatively anonymous. Many of these students choose to use the address to keep in touch with a supportive network of people almost all of whom have experienced similar difficulties.

Others choose to attend the out-of-town meetings; happy to be out when far away from negative pressures.
Finally a smaller number of about forty students regularly attend bi-monthly SAL meetings and socialise, discuss current issues of concern, listen to informative speakers, and plan awareness campaigns.

Whatever your stage of being 'out,' SAL aims to provide a supportive and friendly environment to help you. Talk to us, we don't bite.