On April 23, 1999, another weekend began on the 15th.
FRIDAY NIGHT - Friday was an insane night. The 15th floor members began drinking at 4:30pm in the 15th floor lounge, room 1518. After a brutal round of "power hour", the Rampagers were ready to embark on of their favorite past-times...going to dinner wasted. Some of dinner's highlights include Mike standing up on his chair and proposing a toast to the 15th floor in front of the entire Dining Hall. This was followed by his toast to "the biggest piece of shit at VCU", whose name will be kept confidential. After dinner, the drunken Rampagers returned to 1518 for an NBA JAM tournament. Drinking continued, as always. After much Milwaukee's Best was consumed, roomates Matt and Didier left for the evening. It was at this point that JR and Mike decided to completely re-arrange their room. By the time they had finished, and with some help from other 15th floor members, the room was completely reversed. Every single detail was taken into account. Posters, dressers, closets, beds, clothes, computers, and every other item in the room was now in its exact opposite position. It was just like looking into a mirror, and it was one of the most complex pranks the 15th floor has ever accomplished. Later that evening, Rampager Jason returned home from a party drunk. When Mike went in to say hello, he was immediately tackled by Jason and had a knife held no less than an inch from his throat. Jason was wasted out of his mind and didn't even remember doing it the next day. There were many conflicts among 15th floor members Friday night...Jimmy vs Nate, Jimmy vs Mike High, Jason vs Mike, JR vs Jason, and at a frat party, Nate punched "the biggest piece of shit at VCU" in the face, giving him a bloody nose. Friday was by far one of the craziest nights on the 15th.
SATURDAY NIGHT - Saturday afternoon, there was a strange smell lingering on the 15th floor. That's right...MARIJUANA. The 15th floor RA proceeded to bust 1506's Dan and Eddie for smoking weed in the dorms. Marty then brought other RA's and the police up to the room, and the room was then searched. A bowl was found, and Dan and Eddie were presented with court dates for this summer. That night, the 15th took some time off and just sat with their beer.
SUNDAY NIGHT - Sunday night, the unheard of happened. To find out the INSANE details of Sunday night, click HERE