Well, my real name is Calvin...oops.. Raymond. Yeah that's my real name I think! It's nice to meet you! Okay, so what do I do with my life? Not much really as I am a sad person who surfs the web all day and watch trains go by in my little yellow plastic anorak. No, that is not true at all! ^_^ Okie, so the first bit was...but I definitely aren't a trainspotter - which incidentally, reminds me..... Edinburgh, is where some of "Trainspotting" was filmed (the novel by Irvine Welsh) and oh yeah.... is where I live! This city is what I call my home, and I think most people would agree that it's quite pretty and has its own peculiar charm. Life here is actually nice, and although it rains more than I would like, it's not too bad really. As Robert Louis Stevenson said, "The weather is raw and boisterous in winter, shifty and ungenial in summer, and downright meterological purgatory in spring."
Why don't I'll tell u a little bit more about what it's like to live in Edinburgh? At the moment there is an international science festival going on (April 1999).
These are a few pictures of the festival city. My favourite place is Arthur's Seat though.
It's an extinct volcano, and is really peaceful. This picture is of the Salisbury Crags. You can climb to the top and get very breathtaking views of the city, the surrounding areas, Firth of Forth and North Sea. The city's symbol/landmark is the Castle though, a very popular tourist attraction. It's built on top of the volcanic magma plug.
So what else do I do? I'm a final year student here at Edinburgh Uni and my major is in medical microbiology. Here is a pic of where I go to study...this is the Michael Swann building.I'm just trying to enjoy student life at the moment and juggle my academic work with helping my parents, and also so called "divine work" hehehehe =)
I guess from the rest of the webpage you've worked out that I am a Christian...well, not a very good one...but anyway, I am a Bible Basher and a hypocrite and narrow minded and brainwashed...no that's not true...I am actually very normal....hmmm..why do I get the feeling that you don't believe me! Hahahaha ^_^ Oh dear...
Anyway...I believe in Jesus and I believe he died for my sins, was buried and raised after 3 days. I believe he will come again, and that he will take us to heaven one day. I really hope you will come to know him for yourself, or if you already know him, to know him even deeply, and I pray that you may know the glorious Lord even more, with greater depth of insight and knowledge. I also invite you to check out the webpage of my church if you are interested in knowing more about Jesus, and to see how faith in Him brings many blessings....both in this life, and the life after! If you are interested in coming along to a service or a visit at the TJC, I will be soooo soooo happy, and pleased to take you along. It's a really wonderful church, and you can feel the presence of God through the Holy Spirit; and many Christians outside of the church have praised God for this little ark. I hope you will take the time to read some of the articles on the web that have been written about the TJC so u can judge for yourself whether or not it's good or not. Anyway, I will shut up now about my church cos I sense you are getting bored, alarmed, annoyed or falling asleep! =) Wakey wakey!
Interests...hmmm...do I have any apart from churchey stuff?
Ermmm...I'm quite a fan of sci-fi, and I am a big fan of
ER, X-Files, and Star Trek Voyager! If you are interested click on the various buttons for a neat list of recommended links to these sites!