Thank you for supporting RyanWord! Please take some time to read about this wonderful new program. It's FREE and can be very helpful to many people, especially for its algebra tools such as the following:
Finding the midpoint of a line | |
Finding any root of any number | |
Evaluating a number to any power (Example: 55 = 3125) | |
A calculator | |
A linear graphing calculator to graph 1st degree equations (lines) and optionally print them out. This is a VERY handle tool. (Implementation coming soon) | |
A money calculator for calculating various interest rates. See how much money you'll have in 10 or 20 years by putting away a little each week or month! (Implementation coming soon) | |
A quick line-drawing tool to make your own images |
Additionally, you receive an extremely powerful word processor. Some users have even said it is better than Microsoft Word© because of it's easy-to-use interface. Why don't you download it and give it your own review?
Supports standard text format (.txt) and Rich Text Format (.rtf) |
Allows you to add styles such as bold, underline, italics, strikethrough, colors, and much more! |
Supports Alignment commands (Left Justify, Center, and Right Flush) |
Easy-to-use interface |
AlwaysOnTop Option to keep RyanWord above other programs. |
QuickSave/QuickLoad: Unique features to RyanWord which quickly save/load a document in one click. |
Automatic backup in case of error or power outage. |
Status bar shows quick tips and information about what you're doing. |
"Recently used files" list. |
Find/Replace Dialog to quickly find and/or replace text in the document. |
Unique Auto-dropdown option to dropdown the font and font size lists as soon as you click on them. |
Last four recently used fonts on top of font list. |
Last used font size on top of font size list. |
Extensive Help File (Coming Soon!) |
Wonderful Word Count function to let you know all the statistics of your document. |
One-time font load allows changing fonts and font sizes easily and very quickly without waiting to re-create the font list. |
Revert function which takes a file back to it's last saved state in case you don't want to save the changes you made. |
Print in black and white or color. |
Insert Date/Time codes |
Opens files of any size |
Supports most image formats via drag-and-drop. |
Right-Click opens menu with many useful utilities. |
Save/Load dialog supports cutting, copying, pasting, renaming, deleting, and displaying and setting file attributes. |
Undo/Redo last operations |
It's FREE!!! |
(Coming Soon!)
Windows 95 or higher |
8MB RAM or more |
100 Mhz processor or higher is highly recommended |
Visual basic 4.0 Runtime Files (download) |
Rich Text OCX Control (download) |
Microsoft Installer Setup
RyanWord (Microsoft Installer©)-
This will install all the files automatically, thus
eliminating the need to download the files in the section below.
Microsoft Installer-
This will install Microsoft Installer©,
which is needed to install the file above.
RyanWord - demo3.exe
Basic 4.0 Runtime Files:
Runtimes - vb40032.dll (C:\windows\system\ or
RyanWord directory)
Text OCX Control:
OCX - richtx32.ocx (C:\windows\system\ or
RyanWord directory)
required files
All Files - demo3.exe, vb40032.dll, and richtx32.ocx
Thanks again for visiting and supporting this freeware program! It means a lot to me and I will continue to add to this program and release many others as I create them.