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S c h o o l s

Rodolfo Amaro Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy.
Rodolfo Amaro is a Brazilian Black belt who was a Brazilian tournament champion and instructor, who now teaches in the US. His academy is in New York City. He competed in high-profile submission grappling tournaments such as The Grapplers Quest, the brainchild of Brian Cimins. Rodolfo fought Tod Margolis in the Quarterfinal Match 3. Check out GRAPPLING Magazine, November 2002 issue for photos. This is what Saulo Ribeiro had to say about Rodolfo: "Basically it is going to be ten guys in the division. The tough guys I am going to face are Jeff Monson, Rodolfo Amaro and Ricardo Almeida."

The Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy
Rorion and Royce Gracie's Official Academy web site. Extensive merchandise available.

Gracie Hawaii Jiu-Jitsu
Relson Gracie's academy. Extensive clothing merchandise available.

Rickson Gracie
Royce Gracie, multiple UFC champion, says his brother Rickson is ten times better than him. Enuff said. Rickson has his own Jiu-Jitsu association and sells merchandise.

Royler Gracie Jiu-Jitsu
Royler Gracie is close to Rickson Gracie. He has his own dojos and his representative, David Adiv, has a site. Royler is one of the top technical jiu-jitsu players in Brazil.

Gracie USA Home Page
The web site has a web page on Carley Gracie and has a published two-part magazine article on Carley Gracie. The site also has assorted information on Gracie Jiu-Jitsu.

Carlson Gracie Jiu-Jitsu
Information on Legendary NHB fighter Carlson Gracie, his dojos, and fighters. There are pictures of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu techniques. Mario Sperry, Murilo Bustamante, Vitor Belfort, Carlos Barretos, Wallid Ismael all fight under Carlson.

Carlson Gracie of Vancouver

Carlson Gracie Jr. Team Chicago
Son of Carlson Gracie.

Ralph Gracie Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy
Ralph Gracie fought successfully in the now defunct Battlecade's Extreme Fighting Championship tournament series.

R e n z o  G r a c i e    Academy
Renzo Gracie has his academy (he separated with partner Craig Kukuk ).

M a c h a d o  J i u - J i t s u
Brothers related to the Gracie clan who are considered excellent instructors. Their web site has numerous pictures from past magazine articles featuring the Machado Brothers.

Affiliated instructor Fabio Clemente who teaches for the Machados.

M a r c o  S a n t o s
Marco Santos and brother, Marcio Santos teaches as Machado representatives. Their school is focused on beginners.

F a b i o  S a n t o s
F a b i o  S a n t o s  teaches Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. He trained under Rolls Gracie and received 3rd degree black belt under R i c k s o n  G r a c i e. There are some pictures of Fabio and one of Rolls.

Yamasaki-Dalla Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
A pair of Brazilian instructors who now teach in the US.

Jacare's Master Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Academy - Atlanta, Georgia
Romero "Jacarè" Cavalcanti
Romero "Jacarè" Cavalcanti received his black belt from the legendary Rolls Gracie. He also trained with Helio and Rickson Gracie. Very well-respected instructor.

B e v e r l y   H i l l s   J i u - J i t s u   C l u b
Notable instructors such as: B a s   R u t t e n , M a r c o    R u a s, O l e g   T a k t a r o v.

Franco De Camargo
He trained under Carlson Gracie and is a student of Allan Goes.

Fabiano Iha Jiu-Jitsu

Egan Inoue's school in Hawaii. Information about classes, locations, and merchandise. Egan's brother Enson entered UFC XIII and submitted Royce Alger, a top wrestler who competed with the Iowa HAWKEYES. Enson armbarred Alger from the guard.

Pedro Carvalho's home page
He sells instructional BJJ video tapes, teaches, and sells imported Brazilian gi's.

Professional Academy - Home Page
This academy's web site has information about their Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu classes. They're located in Red Bank, New Jersey.

F A B I O  G U R G E L
F A B I O   G U R G E L
It's a Brazilian site for Jiu-Jitsu and NHB fighter, F a b i o   G u r g e l. He sells his own line of merchandise including NHB shorts, gi's, and t-shirts.

Pedro Alberto BJJ
A Brazilian black belt who also has a background in law. A very nice guy.

Leo Castello Branco's Home Page
Brazilian web site of a BJJ instructor.

Clube Combate Real de Jiu-Jitsu
It's in Portuguese.

It's a Brazilian site and in Portuguese.

The Official   J o h n   L e w i s   Home Page
American NHB fighter,    J o h n   L e w i s   tied with   C a r l o s   G r a c i e   J r.   in the first EXTREME FIGHTING CHAMPIONSHIP.

Seguidores do MESTRE FADDA
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu web site. This site has information about Jiu-Jitsu supposedly descended from Esai Maeda just like Gracie Jiu-Jitsu.

Tai-Kai BJJ Academies
Affiliated with Allan Goes with two schools in Wilmington, Delaware and Syracuse, New York.

Toronto Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Club

Boston Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

East Coast Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Club


Michigan Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu club at the University of Michigan

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Center

Wolverhampton Tap Out Academy

Paul D. Harding in the UK.

Maguilla Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

Roberto Marques "Maguilla" is a BJJ black belt under Pederneiras. Maguilla represents the Nova Uniao team and he claims in "showing the REAL jiu-jitsu. No secrets."

Renzo Gracie Competition Team
Gustavo Machado, former Barra Gracie Team member, has a school in Virginia Beach, Virginia.

Pedro Sauer Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Academy
Pedro Sauer is a 3rd degree black belt under Rickso Gracie.

Modern Combat Academy
School affiliated with Royler Gracie USA / David Adiv.

Sernack's Karate and Renzo Gracie Jiu-Jitsu
Carry Renzo Gracie Merchandise.

Brazilian Top Team
Mario Sperry, Murilo Bustamante, "Minotoro" Noguiera, Ricardo Liborio, and others form the Top Team. Recent victories had Murilo knock out David Munne in the UFC - "Throwdown." Minotoro has done very well in the Japanese PRIDE event. For a heavyweight, he fights like a lightweight using super-fast submissions. Not surprising since his instructor is a smaller fighter.

Wanderlei Silva.
Brazilian fighting team, Chute Boxe's representative. Silva is one of the most destructive fighters currently fighting. In his first fight with Sakuraba, he demolished Sakuraba, which ended with a referee stoppage. Sak desired to avenge his loss and the second match had Sak faring no better than the first outcome. Sak was picked up and thrown which left Sak with a broken collar bone.

Mohler Jiu - Jitsu and Kickboxing
Allen Mohler is the head instructor and is a black belt under team alliance.

Abu Dhabi Combat Club
Arab Emirates NHB Club.
BJJ and NHB news.

Jersey Shore Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu & Judo Club
406C Main St, Avon, New Jersey. Instructor Joe Viz is a Brownbelt in BJJ under Sensei Edson Carvalho and a 2nd Degree Blackbelt in Judo under Sensei Ed Shirey. Unlimited day and evening classes for low monthly dues.

D i s c u s s i o n   F o r u m s

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Discussion Forum
Great Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) discussion forum by Tim Mousel.

Shaz's Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Discussion Group
Anyone can access and post. Forum run by a Renzo Gracie student.

Undergound Forum
Excellent NHB discussion forum. Perhaps the most entertaining and diverse.

This is an USENET newsgroup devoted to martial arts. Posts concerning Brazilian Jiu- Jitsu and NHB competition are a staple.

This is an USENET newsgroup devoted to NHB.

P e r s o n a l   P a g e s

B J J . O R G
GJJ/BJJ information site. Very informative. Look up BJJ schools by location.

Gracie Jiu-Jitsu
Don Geddis' detailed BJJ web site with BJJ school contact information and tournament rules.

Martial Arts Sites on the Web
Collected information on Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ) or Gracie Jiu-Jitsu (GJJ) and web links. The site has contact info for Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu schools in the US.

J-Jitsu's Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Website
Excellent site with detailed information about the BJJ tournament scene and the competitors. Also, has information for Alliance, an organization of BJJ instructors like Fabio Gurgel, Romero Calvanti, Roberto Traven, etc and their merchandise like gi's, fighting shorts, instructional video tapes. There's a question and answer section. Want to ask a question? Go and ask Minguant.

Equipe Liberi de Jiu-Jitsu
Brazilian BJJ school's web site.

Ismael Vargas Salgueiro Home Page
Brazilian BJJ student's personal page. It's in Portuguese.

A Brazilian's Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu web page.

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Techniques: Notes From a Beginner
Nice web site of technique notes with illustrations from seminars with Rorion & Royce and Rickson Gracie by Danny Abramovitch.

New England Submission Fighting
Technique web site.

French Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu site.
Personal web site on   B r a z i l i a n   J i u - J i t s u   and NHB by Gregory Cerisier.

Chuck Michel's BJJ Page
Personal site from a BJJ student's perspective.

Marcus McClary's Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Page

Jeferson's Home Page
Personal site with info on   B r a z i l i a n   J i u - J i ts u.

Rabha's Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Home Page

Jiu-Jitsu's Home Page
Carlos Lopes' web site on BJJ.

Personal home page with some Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu info.

Tom's Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Page

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
Personal web page with information on a Brazilian Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu instructor, Rubens Nery Rodrigues teaching in the US.

BJJ Technique Web Site

Federação Paulista de Jiu-Jitsu
Nice Brazilian site in Portuguese with numerous links to Jiu-Jitsu sites in Brazil and contest results.

The Australian Federation of Brasilian Jiu Jitsu

Brunocilla Web Site
"Luta Livre" is the archrival of BJJ in Brazil. H u g o  D u a r t e  is a notable  L u t a   L i v r e  fighter.

Brazilian BJJ web site.

Moon's Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Homepage
Personal web site with pictures.


Joe Moreira's school
Personal web site for Moreria's Seattle school.

Sacramento Jiu-Jitsu Training Center
Mike Fong's site for Cassio and Marcel Werneck in Sacramento, California. Cassio was a brown belt champion from Brasilia, Brazil.

Jiu Jitsu at Tonjie's

Franco De Camargo
Franco, BJJ Instructor, trained under Carlson and is a student of Allan Goes.

Rail City Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
Chadd Bushey's site for his BJJ school where he trains with Julio Hernandez in Vermont.

Rabha's Brazilian Jiu-jitsu
Andre Rabha Tozzini's Virtual Zine of BJJ

C o m m e r c i a l / P r o d u c t s

Buy martial arts, boxing books from B a rnes & N o b l e or A m a z o n . c o m
Want to buy books on boxing, martial arts, judo, jiu-jitsu, Bruce Lee? Go to Amazon.com website. I got some really nice judo books. One I recommend is "Attacking Judo" by a japanese olympic ground expert named Kashiwazaki. He also wrote two books on newaza (ground techniques). One was "Shimewaza," which covers alot of chokes from the triangle and many variations to collar chokes. You can also order Frank Shamrock's book "Inside the Lion's Den," which is an autobio about him and his fighting art, shootfighting. It also includes some techniques and pyschological insights into combat. Renzo Gracie has a BJJ book out.

H o w a r d   L i u 's   COMBAT KIMONOS
Howard Liu sells his own custom designed jiu-jitsu gi's with a closer fit. People who bought the gi are saying good things about it. The jacket is very snug and close-fitting with a stiff collar which hinders chokes.

East   Coast   H o w a r d   L i u 's   COMBAT KIMONOS
Howard Liu's east coast rep.

Brazilian web site of Jiu-Jitsu gi manufacturer. One of the top brands in Brazil.

They sell three different types of uniforms and are one of the few resellers of Krugans Kimonos (gi's).

Leknet, Inc.
Storm Kimono distributor. Storm is an american brand.

B a d   B o y   Brazil
NHB fighters wear the lycra shorts with the "double eyes" logo on the posterior of the shorts. The site has various clothing from "Bad Boy."

World Martial Arts Home Page
WMA sells American-made "Bad Boy" shorts and excellent BJJ instructional video tapes by mario Sperry.

Boxergenics sells the NHB gloves worn in the UFC and other NHB events. This allows strikes and grappling with the hands.

The Gracie Systems
Cesar Gracie's instructional BJJ videos.

BJJ Australia
BJJ In Australia. John H. Will has published an excellent series of BJJ instructional books (Highly Recommended): Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Fundamentals

Gracie Magazine website
Brazilian magazine geared towards BJJ and vale tudo. They had an excellent article on Rolls Gracie. The article was republished in an American Martial Arts magazine.

Tatame Online
Brazilian magazine geared towards BJJ and vale tudo.

On the Mat
Excellent website devoted to BJJ. Download video clips of classic and new sports BJJ matches. Check out Rickson Gracie submitting his opponents. The site also offers their own video series covering various submission and BJJ matches. There's alot of rare stuff like 2 Rickson BJJ matches. They also offer the Gracie Barra black belt Roberto "Gordo" Correa instructional tapes. Gordo was a pioneer of the half-guard position.

Excellent Brazilian gi's. Very affordable and durable. Highly recommended. The gi's have a high quality finish and cut that fit nicely. They also offer a specially designed rash guard for grapplers. The bottom of the shirt has elastic to prevent riding up.

Excellent Brazilian gi's. Very affordable and durable. Highly recommended. The proprietor, Luciana Machado Simon, offers different types of weaves and colors for her gi's. She even offers lycra grappling shorts with her compnay logo. Nice if you don't won't huge logos on your butt. Customer service is top-notch.

Enson Inoue's catalog.
Enson Inoue is a Japanese American who hails from Hawaii. He practiced BJJ and eventually went to Japan to fight in Shootfighting. He has some excellent t-shirts. I like t-shirts of his family crest. A very humble and straight-talking fighter.

MMA Gear
MMA Gear shipped directly from Brazil. They have gi's from all of the major manufacturers, lycra fight shorts from Bad Boy, Hunter, etc. A wide selection that's always renewed. Very reliable.

Great site for the latest fight video clips and pictures. There's also a nice on-line store with some special video & products.

Canadian fightwear company that offers Mixed Martial Arts fight gloves.

Finally, grapplers, wrestlers, & BJJ practitioners can have a magazine to call their very own. It's published from CFW Enterprises. Every magazine covers fighters, BJJ instructor, MMA & Grappling events, and instructional techniques. Highly recommended.

R e l a t e d   S i t e s

C o u n t   K o m a
Brazilian site in English which has some pictures and research about Mitsuyo Maeda, the man who brought version of judo/jiu-jitsu to Brazil.

Ko-sen Judo is a subsect of Kodokan Judo. They favor groundwork (newaza) like BJJ.

Black Belt Magazine Home Page
Black Belt Magazine's web site has a published article on Gracie Jiu-Jitsu with Royce Gracie (pictures of techniques). Check their magazine ads for new Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu products.

M a s a h i k o   K i m u r a
This Japanese Judo champion defeated Helio Gracie in a judo/jiu-jitsu-styled match. This is an article about their famous match and Kimura's biography published in the United States Judo Federation's (USJF) News Magazine, Vol. 3, No.2, February 1995. (Note: The article was probably partly based on Kimura's autobiography where he stated that he broke Helio's arm. In a Japanese martial arts magazine interview, Helio denies this. It may have been Kimura's belief that he broke Helio's arm. However, Kimura had great admiration for Helio and wanted Helio to teach at the Kodokan in Japan since Kimura saw pre-war judo techniques which he felt had disappeared in Japan.

Martial Arts in Japan: BIG FIGHT Home Page
Excellent Japanese site for No-Holds Barred Competition and Japanese shootfighting. It has news and information about Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu fighters and upcoming matches and fight results.

Judo Information Site
A very large Judo web site with pictures and resources.

Aikido Journal On-Line
Aikido Journal had two issues on Gracie Jiu-Jitsu (interview with Rorion Gracie with Helio Gracie).

Rorion and Helio Gracie

Bill Lewis' Grappling Video Reviews
Bill Lewis reviews grappling instructional and fight videos.

H o m e | Strike Jiu-Jitsu | History of GJJ | Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Fighters | BJJ Tournament Rules

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Copyright © 1996 George Wang. All Rights Reserved.
Created: July 3, 1996
Revised: April 1, 2002