OHS Computer Animation
Computerized Animation is a team taught class that is taught between an art instructor and a business education instructor at Oregon High School, in Oregon, Wisconsin.  Oregon is located approximately 10 miles south of Madison, in south central Wisconsin.  For more information about our school go to www.oregon.k12.wi.us.

Michael Derrick

Mike has taught art at Oregon High School since 1995.
He has been an art teacher since 1991.  Mike graduated from UW Whitewater with a degree in graphic arts and art education.


Bruce Nelson

Bruce has taught at Oregon High School since 1994.  He has been a business education teacher since 1984.
Bruce graduated from UW Whitewater with a degree in K-12 business education.


Classroom Technology Convention 

"Integrate Animation into Your Classroom"
Thursday, January 25, 2001