The Plan

Justin's wedding is quickly approaching. I have decided to get off my ass and begin making plans for celebrate his loss of dreams, hopes, and aspirations.(Rock, C. 2004) The first part is to decide where we want to go. Please take part in the following poll to help decide where to go.

Pros Cons
Close for everyone. Plenty of places. Been there so long it already feels like marriage.
Las Vegas
Added bonus of gambling. Cheap flights and lodging. Extra Debauchery Still trying to find one.
Added bonus of gambling. More potent beer. Cubans. Different Area code. North of the St. Lawerence River. One Canadian Dollar equals $.082 US Dollar as of 2/1. Not as good as it has been in the past but still a good per dance savings. Customs. Long drive.
Atlantic City
Still close. Added bonus of gambling. Too many Bikini Bars.

We will decide upon a date prior to Memorial Day weekend once a destination is determined.
