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Waukegan Area USBC Women's Bowling Association Board

Listed below are the Officers and Directors of the Waukegan Area USBC Women's Bowling Association for the year 2008-2009. Also listed are the Hall of Fame Members and the Members Emeritus.
WA Hall of Fame Pics
Illinois WBA
WA Senior Tournament
Association Team Event
Association Doubles Event
Association Singles Event
Association All Events
Mixed Team Tournament
Mixed Doubles Tournament
600 Club Tournament
500 Club Tournament
500/600 Club Tournament

President—Myrt Stauche
Vice President—Linda Willcox
Sgt.-At-Arms—Sherry Bickett

Other Offices

Association Manager—Betty McCann
Financial Assistant—Peggy Rommel


Wendy Artman
Teresa Bond
Brenda Cornell
Cindy Gerjol
Monica Gerjol
Donna Hodap
Catherine Huber
Betty McCann
Nanette Niday
Peggy Rommel

Hall of Fame

Georgia Bizzell
Mary Jane Browne
Gloria Hanson
Ruth Harris
Audrey Herberger
Helen Lange
Ruth Lange
Jennifer Litewski
Betty McCann
Marge Merlo
Merilee Miller
Karyl Moeller
Renee Mongeau
Peggy Rommel
Linda Ryder
Pam Seremak
Myrt Stauche
Debbie West
Carol Voight

Members Emeritus

Marilyn Bailey
Mary Jane Browne
Jerline Gardner
Gloria Hanson
Ruth Lange
Kathy Maki
Marge Merlo
Merilee Miller
Peggy Rommel
Linda Ryder
Pam Seremak
Angie Tomaino
Carol Voight
Debby West

Life Members

Audrey Herberger
Betty McCann
Myrt Stauche