Sunny interviews
      Thanks to Sunny's Showcase for the first four  interviews.
The list of these keeps getting bigger and there is more to come. These are all the articles I could find around
In magazines at home and on the net. The ones with gold stars are the articles that have touched me in a
way, the ones I very highly recommend. Thanks and if you have any articles/interviews, Please lmk. take care

Interview one This interview was conducted in 95 with the Bodydonnas

Interview two  Interview taken after the Bodydonnas title win at Wrestlemania 12

Interview three  95 interview taken with Vic Venom

Interview four June 96 interview from PWI .

Interview five   Feb. 94 one on one(Tammy vs Sherri Martel) from inside wrestling.

Interview six   1997 aol interview/chat with Sunny

interview Seven  An interview conducted by The Wild Samoans Training center in 1998.

Article One    Article on Sunny from the Toronto Sun in 1997

Article two     Jan 94  Article from The Wrestler on Tammys Managerial success in SMW at the time

Article Three  (Sunny outshines Sable) An article written by Brian Hayes, for Slam wrestling in Feb. 1999 

Article Four (WWF didn't need Sunny) Article written by DAN CARRUTHERS for Slam wrestling in August 1998 

Article Five  November 1997 article on Sunny, from the Ottawa Sun