Why is there Cadburry egg yolk on Trip's monitor? Thought for 4-16-01 Welcome welcome...Hope everyone is enjoying their Monday..Mine is going pretty swell....Isn't it funny we are so self-centered that claim ENTIRE DAYS of the week as our own? "Yeah-MY Tuesday should be pretty busy"...Have you ever wondered what would happen if everyone in the world got mixed up and thought it was another day? Would that throw off all the world's calendars??..I think that happened on an episode of "Duck Tales" once...Has the name Scrooge always been used as a name for rich stingy old men? Have you ever noticed how many names are turned into adjectives? I think the coolest name I have ever heard was one suggested by one-George Costanza- the name--Seven....Now that is cool...Seven Cook...Its a number...It's a name...It's unisex...Its cool...Seven it is!! I was made fun of alot for my name...But if you really think about it is there a name that kids can't somehow twist around and make fun of? The evil-ness of elementary age kids is far underrated...Names are a very interesting thing...It's supposed to distinguish us from every other kid in town --yet how many "Chris's", or "John's" do you know? What are the Chis and John's of the world supposed to do? spend the rest of their life hearing "Yeah-I know this OTHER guy named Chris"...There is actually at least one other Trip in West Memphis..Now, thats weird...When will we end this cycle of naming our children "name-y NAMES?" Why not name them verbs- Run, Eat, Hit, Punch, Insert...all good ones...or how about adjectives- Fat, Skinny, Elegant, Ugly, Huge, Hot, Stupid,Quiet, Loud...Maybe if we start naming our children mean cruel names kids will lose some of the fun of making neat little insults out of them..Say for instance it would get a little old making fun of a kid named "Moron Cook", "Fat Lard Cook", or "No Good Worthless Cook"...If names were verbs, adjectives, or insults-- nicknames would have be rendered useless...It would be great...I'll tell you what I get sick of--people asking me "uh-huh-Trip-is that your REAL name?".."YES! You stupid moron! Is that your REAL momma?"...I wonder where certain "pop culture" words have come from? What do they mean? For instance, who was the first man to say "WHOOMP! There it is!".."I'm goin' to the HIZ-OUSE", "Man, that PHAT","THAT BE KRUNK!" "Keep it real", "What a DWEEB", "He's just a SCRUB!" .......Or "That's wicked duuuuuuude!"...I think I am gonna make up my own cool word..hmm..."fraf!" "Yo! That be FRAF!"..Fraf can be used in a negative or positive connotation..."Man, that girl be such a FRAF!"...Master P would have to sing "Get Ya' FRAF OooooN" to complete my new word's journey...Puffy could release his own "Fraf Collection" of Sean John wear...So next time some playa' hata' starts frontin'-- tell em you bout to break and "act -a- FRAF up in here!"....Peace out....just a fraf... Song of the day- "Nothin' but a G Thang"- Dr. Dre and Snopp Doggy Dogg Word of the day-FRAF(what else?) |
California Dreamin' ..thought for 4-4-01 Hello my young impressionable followers..Welcome home..I hope everyone is having a nice, nice Wednesday..Mine is going quite well thanks for asking..I turned in my History paper that I have been working on all week...I am pretty sure I won't do that good..but oh well-there are worse things that could happen..Last night in my Human Development class(all true Trip fans remember that he is the only male) I received showers of compliments..Ya wanna know why? Well, these females were doing their typical "trashing men" talk and I sat back as usual and said nothing..Suddenly, as if to realize that a male was actually in their midst they yowled with glee...Then my instructor proceeded to tell me how great I was and that guys like me "were few and far between" and that "they dont make guys like you anymore"...and let me reiterate the fact that I have said maybe all of 5 words in class all year--if that...So let me get this straight: If I am cowardly, gutless, and shy then suddenly I am the perfect man? Sounds good to me--I can do cowardly, gutless, and shy...Just as long as I know what I am working with...Little do my female classmates know that sweet little Trip sounds off to a much larger audience on the world wide web...hehehehe! I am very interested by the various "characters" people play...Everybody does it..As hard as we try to avoid it..We all have our "being introduced" character, our "with insignificant people character", our "with close friends character", our "with a large group character", and our "with the opposite sex character"..roll all these freaks into one person and you have one (albeit unstable screwed up) person..I have heard it said that when you meet someone you are not really meeting THEM--you are meeting their represenative..True true...Understandably, being the same exact character around everyone is nearly impossible--let's be honest--if most of your friends--REALLY knew you--I mean REALLY Y0U- few would have anything to do with you (Yes! I am talking to you fair reader!)....One of the crappiest things in life is when you THINK you really know someone--then suddenly--you realize you don't know the FIRST thing about them..This is especially true of young people--cause most of us aren't even sure who WE are..I think so many people are searching for someone-anyone- just to accept them for exactly who they are--not who they want them to be..unconditional acceptance is nearly nonexistant today..We all want it--but are too afraid to give it..Real relationships and friendships require some sacrifice, pain, and vulnerablity which certain people are just too selfish to give away..I even catch myself doing that very thing..Isn't it funny that some of the things you hate the most are the things you have problems with yourself? Interesting..Moving on, to a lighter subject- I think life is alot like plink-o (from the Price is Right)..We all work so hard just for a few "plink-o chips" in hopes of one of them hitting the big money...and then end hearing "OOOH! I'm sorry! Come back later and spin the wheel for another chance for cash"..And if Bob Barker does't perfectly represent the eternal tanned capitalism pusher--I don't know who is...Has anyone seen Price is Right lately? I want to know if Bob still uses the skinny microphone..and if the girls are still titled the "Barker's Beauty's"..When is the National Organization for Women gonna get involved there? Seems a wee bit sexist..I mean the evening news doesn't have "Chung's hunks"..With a name like that for the girls-- I always expected Bob to walk out with a white fur coat, a cain, and some gold teeth..just for effect..just a thought.. Song of the day-"Superfly"-Curtis Mayfield |
To supplement my webpage with both old and new "hits"--I have decided to occasionally add a few thoughts of yesteryear--a "Greatest Hits" if you will..Glory fades...indeed.. |