Black + Poor = not funny?

 What’s wrong with society today?  More specifically: Westernized society.  We live in a day of age where, somehow people that speak Ebonics certify them within a social classification of being cool; or so they think.   

If you just read the previous statement, and thought to yourself, “hey, that reminds me of myself,” then let me clue you in: PEOPLE THINK YOU’RE A MORON.  Seriously, every day people stereotype and practically destroy what very little credibility the black youth has left these days.

 The icing on the cake, however, is how black, untalented comedians (I’m using the term very loosely here) try to make a living off of this.  Is there one black comedian out there that has different material than the other million black comedians?  Well if there is one, I haven’t seen him.  If you are fortunate enough to have never witnessed a stand-up black comedian, let me fill you in on their routine, “I’m black, I smoke weed and run from the poooooooooooo-lice.”  And somehow, the crowd erupts in laughter, every time.  It sickens me.

 Using your own race and culture for a lack of innovative, creative material as a scapegoat for comedic relief is actually quite pathetic.  It’s almost as if, they’re proud of it, the way they indulge in it.  It’s the reason why every “black movie” has the same premise.  Is there any other explanation for it?  How is this something to be proud of?  Living in poverty, selling drugs, going to prison.  I’m sure that’s what Martin Luther King Jr. meant when he said, “I have a dream.”