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(one of my "musical" pages!)

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Netscape users: I apologise for this page being all over the place, but what can you do?!?!

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A smile can show someone that you care.
A smile is something we must all share.
A smile can help friends who are in need.
A smile could help plant the friendship seed.
A smile should never bring a tear.
A smile will always bring a cheer.
A smile such a very simple thing.
A smile can make the coldest heart sing.
by D.Fletcher

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A smile is a light in the window of the soul indicating that the heart is at home.

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Well, hi! I think this could be my daftest page yet!! (Oh, ok, yes there's the faerie! :)). Of course, if we're email freaks, then we use smileys all the time and (of course) I am using this page to provide the fullest possible list of smiley characters that I can find. You will find the list right at the bottom of the page (after the links!!). But it's not really that simple. For instance, the common old :). According to various definitions I've found, this can mean - "happy" or "to inflect a sarcastic or joking statement". Well, this is right, because I use it for both of these reasons (all the time). But that can be confusing, don't you think?? Does this mean that we're happy about being sarcastic (yes!) or that we're joking that we're happy or what??

Anyway, let's try to entertain you!!

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(Oh, no) Smiley wants to dance!!!

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(for each sequence, click the "music" icon at the bottom of the "dancers" and then press "refresh" to make Smiley dance again (although Smiley doesn't dance very well, basically because he (usually) has no legs!!! Actually, it looks more like he's singing; but then the midi files have no voices! Perhaps smiley voices are inaudible to human ears?!?! :s))

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bad midi file, but it just had to be this music!!
(don't forget to press "refresh"!)

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OK, so these have legs! But, they are what is commonly called "freaky, mutant smileys".
There are only 24 in existence and they are looked upon as being somewhat dim
to the rest of the smiley world.

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Isn't this BAD! It was either this or a too jazzy version of "Skippedy Do Dah"

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Oh, poor Smiley *sniff*

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Fed up with Smiley??

You must have Java capabilities
to play this game.
Got it?


(press any key to kill Smiley again! :))

(kids, this ain't pretend - this is for REAL!!)

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Realize that true happiness lies within you. Waste no time and effort searching for peace and contentment and joy in the world outside. Remember that there is no happiness in having or in getting, but only in giving. Reach out. Share. Smile. Hug. Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself. ~ Og Mandino ~

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Planet Smiley

The Infamous Mars Smiley Face :)

The World Famous Smiley Farm - Adopt a Smiley (not where my smiley came from!:)

The Happy Face Army


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(I am going to use the quick :) version of the smileys, because I am lazy - but, of course, you can always add in a nose :-))


:) Happy or joking or being sarcastic

:( Miserable

;) Winking. Definitely joking or being sarcastic

:> Very sarcastic

>:> Very, very sarcastic or naughty (devilish)

>;> Just very awfully naughty!! Lewd!

0:) OK, I said something wicked, but I'm an angel really!!

:P With tongue poked out.


:'( Crying with misery

:') Crying with joy

:e Disappointed

:I Indifferent or disgusted (note: the "I" should be just a straight line, but this font doesn't do that, does it?!)

:S Incoherent

:D Laughing out loud

:X Not saying a word

:< Really sad

:c Really unhappy

:/ Perplexed

:& Tongue-tied

:J Tongue-in-cheek


(: Left handed (or Australian)

%) Too long in front of the computer!

:*) Drunk

8) Wearing sunglasses

B:) Sunglasses on head

::) Wearing glasses

B) Wearing horn-rimmed glasses

R) Glasses broken

8:) A little girl

:)-8 A Big girl!

:<) Upper-class

:<)8 Upper-class dressed for dinner

:<)& Upper-class after a drunken dinner

O-) Scuba diver

d:-) Wearing baseball cap

q:-) Wearing baseball cap backwards

:{) Has a moustache

:{} Wears lipstick

:[ Is a vampire

:E Buck-toothed vampire

:F Buck-toothed vampire with a tooth missing

:)~ Drooler

:~) Has a cold

:# Wears braces

:^) Has a broken nose

:=) Has two noses

II Is asleep

I0 Yawning

%6 Braindead

[:) Wearing a walkman

<:I Dunce

:: The invisible smiley

.) One-eyed

X( Just died

?( Black eye

(:$ Ill

%\ Hungover

:@ Screaming


:X Kiss

[] Hug

[person's initials] Hug for a specific person

{} Warm hug

{person's initials} Warm hug for a specific person

{{{{{}}}}} Warm multiple hugs!


C=}>;*{)) A drunk, devilish chef with a toupee in an updraft, a moustache and a double chin

}:^#}) Updrafted bushy-moustached pointy nosed smiley with a double chin

'@;;;;;. Centipede

<+))>< Dead fish

<:))>< Fish

@>--->-- Rose

12x@>--->-- A dozen roses

0-+>;-) Artist formerly known as Prince

2BI^2B To be or not to be

---<===I-( A syringe

*<:-) Santa Claus

*:0) Bozo the clown

:8) Porky Pig

5:-) Elvis Presley

>>-->.-( King Harold, 1066

@%-( Dmitri Shostakovich

:..-( Paul Gascoigne

) Cheshire Cat

Ciao! Finito!!

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You want these again to save you going back up to the top??

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30/11/99 19:16:17

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This smileyface * a ring for people who like to smile site owned by Frances Foot.
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