Here's the windup...
"And the Pitch..."
Ordering Info

You can order "And the Pitch..." games, season yearbooks, and accessories through the web site here using PayPal, or directly by sending a money order. Not a PayPal member? Click the VISA or MasterCard logo to join today. Opening your account is FREE, as is paying people with PayPal! And you can get $5 for opening your account (certain requirements must be met)! If you don't want to order online, see the Money Order information at the bottom of this page. ALL ORDERS OVER $10 ARE SHIPPED POSTAGE PAID!!! NOTE: Due to rising postage, production and payment processing costs via Paypal, prices for some items have been increased. My apologies.

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GAME BOOK - The "And the Pitch..." game book includes the instruction manual, all game charts, 1953 National League ratings and stats for every National League player who appeared in a game, and 1953 schedule and rotations. $12

CARD STOCK CHARTS - All 10 game charts printed on white 110-lb card stock. Great for gamers who use their charts alot! $7

2002 YEARBOOK - The 2002 "And the Pitch..." Yearbook contains ratings for every player who appeared in the Major Leagues in 2002. $12 - NOTE: You must already own or order a "GAME BOOK" to make use of this yearbook.

2000 YEARBOOK - The 2000 "And the Pitch..." Yearbook contains ratings for every player who appeared in the Major Leagues in 2000. $12 - NOTE: You must already own or order a "GAME BOOK" to make use of this yearbook.

1961 YEARBOOK - The 1961 "And the Pitch..." Yearbook contains ratings for every player who appeared in the Major Leagues in 1961. Ratings are based on stats obtained with each team, and multi-team players also have ratings based on their season stats. $12 - NOTE: You must already own or order a "GAME BOOK" to make use of this yearbook.

61AL Lineups
1961AL Lineup Guide - The 1961 American League Lineup Guide contains the exact, as-played schedule with the exact lineups, including the batting orders and fielding positions. $5

61NL Lineups
1961NL Lineup Guide - The 1961 National League Lineup Guide contains the exact, as-played schedule with the exact lineups, including the batting orders and fielding positions. $5

53NL Lineups
1953NL Lineup Guide - The 1953 National League Lineup Guide contains the exact, as-played schedule with the exact lineups, including the batting orders and fielding positions. $5

VIEW CART - Not sure what you've got in your order for us? Check here.

NOTE: When ordering a season yearbook, you must either already own or purchase a Game Book.

Money Order Information

If you'd like, you can fill out an order form and mail to the address on the form. Please note that we do NOT accept personal checks of any kind.

This page last updated: 01/14/03