Mohr Softball Catalog List

Thanks to 'Mac' for the idea for this page.
Company Phone
Anaconda Sports1-800-327-0074
Baseball Express1-800-937-4824
Bats Unlimited1-800-929-0959
Big League Softball1-888-GO-BOMBS
Central New York Sports1-888-285-5162
Direct Sports1-800-456-0072
Kelly Gloves1-800-652-6602
Kelly's Sports1-888-448-2919
Manny's Baseball Land ("The Official Catalog of Major League Baseball")1-800-232-5939
Softball Pro Shop1-888-396-1414
Softball Sales1-800-882-1166
Softball Unlimited1-888-991-BATS
Tanel 360 1-866-826-3536
Triple S Sports1-800-777-6550
Western Athletic Supply1-800-624-6637

Email me if you know of others, or the missing phone #'s above and I'll add them.

I will put this into a table shortly, but here are company contact phone numbers.
Louisville Slugger/TPS...Customer Service: 1-800-282-2287
DeMarini...Customer Service: 1-800-937-2287
Worth...Return authorization: 1-800-282-9637
Easton...Warranty Dept: 1-888-259-1297
Bombat...Customer Service: 1-800-245-2287(bats)
DeBeer...Customer Service: 1-800-833-3535
Powerhouse...Customer Service: 1-770-888-0441
Nike....Customer Service: 1-800-344-6453
Hansen Bags.....Customer Service: 1-800-637-7979
Rawlings.....Customer Service: 1-877-225-1041
Anderson Bats.....Customer Service: 1-888-777-3810
Miken Sports.....Customer Service: 1-877-807-5291
Mizuno Bats.....Customer Service: 1-800-966-1234
Steele's Sports...:1-800-277-7933

Email me if you know of others, or the missing phone #'s above and I'll add them.

Email me here.

© 2001, Mohr Softball (Jerry Mohr).