Our Readers' Top Ten Lists

Top 10 Wrestlers of All-Time - sent in by Scott England
  1. Sailor "Heart Punch" Moran
  2. Lou Thesz
  3. Ox Baker
  4. Verne Gagne
  5. Leaping Lanny Poffo
  6. "The Tennessee Stud" Ron Fuller
  7. The Mongolian Stomper
  8. Ron Wright
  9. Don Wright
  10. Harley Race
Top 10 Wrestlers of All-Time - sent in by Tony England
  1. Ron Wright
  2. Don Wright
  3. Sailor Moran
  4. Lou Thesz
  5. Verne Gagne
  6. The Mongolian Stomper
  7. Ox Baker
  8. Harley Race
  9. Dusty Rhodes
  10. Sam Steamboat

The Following are From: Gary Johnson

Concerning: Top Ten Wrestlers (Current)
1. Steve Austin
2. Bret Heart
3. HHH
4. Paul Wright
5. The Rock
6. Chris Benoit
7. Rob Van Dam
8. Sting
9. Kane
10. Mankind

All Time Greats

1. Ric Flair (Has given more to the sport than probably anyone)
2. Hulk Hogan (Hey, he is an icon, even if he should have retired years ago)
3. Rick Steamboat (First to blend speed, power, goodlooks AND a t.v. personality together- classic good guy)
4. Sting (people have always loved him)
5. Randy Savage (A man's man)
6. Andre the Giant (A pioneer)
7. Arn Anderson (played Pippen to Flair's Jordan, but was a superstar in his own right)
8. Bret Heart (Best technical wrestler)
9. The Ultimate Warrior ( Fun to watch)
10. Dusty Roads (another pioneer)

Honorable Mentions:
Steve Austin
Harley Race
Terry Gordy
The Undertaker
Hulk Hogan

Top 10 Best Young Talent - by Craig Fairley

1. Christian
2. Jeff Hardy
3. Test
4. Edge
5. Matt Hardy
6. Chris Jericho
7. Billy Kidman
8. Essa Rios
9. Taka Michinoku
10. Big Show

The following lists are sent in by: Rmoby79@aol.com

10 best hardcore wrestlers
1 Terry Funk
2 Cactus Jack
3 Atushi Onita
4 Mr Pogo
5 Sabu
6 New Jack
7 Leatherface
8 Balls Mahoney
9 Vic Grimes
10 Masato tanaka

10 Best Tag Teams
1 Dudley Boys
2 The eliminators
3 Arn Anderson and tully Blanchard
4 Road Warriors
5 Midnight Express(Eaton and Connery)
6 RVD and SABU
7 The Bladerunners
8 The Sheepherders
9 The Steiner Brothers
10 The Headhunters

10 Worst Tag Teams
1 The Fantastics
2 The rocknroll Express
3 Too Cool
4 The Ganstanators
5 Demolition
6 Money Inc.
7 The Midnight Riders( MAgnum TA and Dusty Rhodes)
8 Harlem Heat
9 The New Age Outlaws
10 The Blue Bloods

10 Best Wrestlers
1 Ric Flair
2 Dusty Rhodes
4 Chris Jericho
5 Chris Benoit
6 the Dynamite kid
7 Mick Foley
8 Terry Funk
9 The Undertaker
10 Great Muta

10 Worst Wrestlers
1 Hulk Hogan
2 Goldberg
3 Roddy Piper
4 Earthquake
5 EL Egante
6 Sid Vicious
7 Hacksaw Jim Duggan
8 Van Hammer
9 Diamond Dallas Page
10 Terry Taylor

The following lists sent in by Tommysk413@aol.com

Underrated Wrestlers
1.Jushin "Thunder" Liger (here in the U.S.)
2.Super Crazy
3.Chris Benoit (still)
4.D-Lo Brown
5.Juventud Guerera
6.Hugh Morris
7.Al Snow
8.Dustin Runnels (as himself)
9.Ken Shamrock

Overrated Wrestlers
1.Stone Cold Steve Austin
2.Triple H
3.Jeff Jarret (especially in WCW)
4.Road Dogg Jessie James
6.Hollywood Hogan
7.Mike Awesome
8.Val Venis
9.Kevin Nash
10. Bad Ass Billy Gunn

5 Best Tag Teams
1.The Hardyz
2.Too Cool
3.Sabu and RVD
4.Raven and Dreamer
5.The Dudleys

5 Worst Tag Teams
1.Median and Viscera
2.New Age Outlaws (I don't care how many times they've had the belts)
3.Harlem Heat (Stevie Ray can't act for crap)
4.The Acolytes
5.Austin and anyone

10 Best Enterence Themes
1.Hollywood Hogan (You can't beat Hendrix)
2.Ric Flair
4.The Oddities
5.Chris Jericho
6.Triple H
7.Ken Shamrock
8.Vampiro (w/ ICP)
9.Patterson and Brisco/Hulk Hogan
10.Rey Misterio Jr.

My Personal Favorites
1.Super Crazy
3.David Flair
5.Juventud Guerera
6.Norman Smiley
7.Ken Shamrock
8.Masato Tanaka
9.La Parka
10.The Rock

Best Finishers
1.DDT (in any form i.e. Konnans old cradle DDT or Gangrels Giant DDT)
2.The Stage Dive
3.Top rope guilotein leg drop
4.Japanese Power Bomb (or sit down power bomb)
5.Brain buster

The following lists sent in by GANGRLRULZ@aol.com

Top 10 Sports Entertainers of all time
1) Shawn Michaels-(no contest!!)
2) Hulk Hogan
3) The Undertaker
4) Ultimate Warrior
5) Bret Hart
6) Ric Flair
7) The Rock
8) Chris Jericho
9) Macho Man Randy Savage
10) Scott Hall

Top 10 Wrestling Chicks
1) Sunny
2) Gorgeous George
3) Marlena
4) Dawn Marie
5) Francine
6) Jenna Jameson
7) Ryan Shamrock
8) Sable
9) Jasman St. Clair
10) Miss Elizabeth-(10 years ago)

Best Gimmicks
1) The Undertaker
2) "Hulk" Hogan
3) The Outsiders
4) nWo
5) Mankind-(back when he was dimented)
6) "Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels
7) Razor Ramon
8) Goldust
9) Raven
10) Sycho Sid

Most Overrated Wrestlers- Present
2) Stone Cold Steve Austin
3) Ric Flair
4) Hollywood Hogan
5) The Big Show
6) The Macho Man
7) The Godfather
8) Jeff Jarrett
9) Yokozuna
10) The Undertaker

Best Tag Team of all time
1) The Outsiderz
2) The Undertaker & Kane
3) The Dudley Boyz
4) Ole & Arn Anderson
5) New Age Outlaws
6)The Gangstas
7) The Public Enemy

Best Interview Talent
1) Chris Jericho
2) The Rock
3) Shawn Michaels
4) Shane Douglas
5) The Undertaker-(back when he was more of a dead guy)

Best Match of All Time
1) Hell in a Cell: The Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels at Badd Blood
2) Ladder Match: Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon at WrestleMania
3) Hell in a Cell 2: The Undertaker vs Mankind at King of the Ring '98
4) Ladder Match: Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon at Summerslam '95
5) Born to be wired: Cactus Jack vs Terry Funk

Top 10 American Hardcore Wrestlers
1) Cactus Jack
2) Terry Funk
3) New Jack
4) The Sandman
5) Tommy Dreamer
6) Raven
7) Balls Mahoney
8) The Public Enemy
9) Sabu
10) Taz

Best Wrestlers in terms of putting on a good match
1) Shawn Michaels
2) The Rock
3) Chris Jericho
4) X-Pac
5) Razor Ramon
6) Mankind
7) Bret Hart
8) Billy Kidman
9) Edge
10) The Undertaker-(old days)

The Following Lists sent in by J.R. Estrada

Best wrestler all time

  1. Sabu
  2. Stone Cold
  3. Taz
  4. Rob Van Dam
  5. Mankind/Cactus Jack
  6. Saturn
  7. Benoit
  8. Shawn Michels
  9. The Sandman
  10. Raven, The Rock
Best Tag Team
  1. The Dudley Boyz
  2. Harlem Heat
  3. Sabu and RVD
  4. Demilition
  5. NAO
  6. The Gangstaz
  7. The Eliminators
  8. The Outsiders
  9. Mikey Whipwreck & Cactus Jack
  10. The Public Enemy (In ECW)
Worst Wrestlers
  1. David Flair
  2. Ric Flair (now)
  3. Disco Inferno
  4. Steven Regal
  5. Buff Bagwell
  6. Steve Corino
  7. DDP
  8. Hollywood Hulk Hogan
  9. Scott Steiner
Best Hardcore Wrestlers
  1. Mic Foley
  2. Terry Funk
  3. The Sandman
  4. Sabu
  5. Taz
  6. New Jack
  7. Tommy Dreamer
  8. Axl Rotten
  9. Justin Credible
  10. Spike Dudley
Best Looking Babe

The following lists sent in by: JoeNDP2003@aol.com

Best WWF Wrestlers of 1999
1. Steve Austin
2. Rocy Maivia
3. Mark Calloway (Undertaker)
4. Mick Foley
5. Triple H
6. Jeff Jarrett
7. Kane
8. Paul Wight
9. Chris Jericho
10. Chyna

Best WWF Tag Teams
1. New Age Outlawz
2. Acolytes
3. Edge & Christian
4. The Hardyz
5. Too Cool
6. Kane & X - Pac
7. The Dudleyz
8. The Undertaker & The Big Show
9. The Holly's
10. Owen Hart and Jeff Jarrett

Best WWF Interview of 1999
1. The Rock
2. Steve Austin
3. Triple H
4. Mick Foley
5. Chris Jericho
6. Chyna
7. The Godfather
8. Bob Holly
9. Too Cool
10. Jerry Lawler

Top Ten WWF Women of 1999
1. Chyna
2. Stephanie McMahon
3. Debra
4. Terri
5. The Kat
6. Tori
7. Ivory
8. Ryan Shamrock
9. Barbara Busch
10. Luna

Worst WWF Interview of 1999
1. The Big Show
2. Crash Holly
3. Kevin Kelly
4. Mae Young
5. Mark Henry
6. Kane
7. Tori
8. Stephanie McMahon
9. Billy Gunn
10. Arnold Schwarzanegger

The Best of The Best of Them All of 1999
1. Stone Cold Steve Austin - Top Dog - The New Hulkster
2. Ric Flair - Legend
3. Triple H - Best Heel
4. Bret Hart - Untouchable
5. Mic Foley - Hardcore Legend
6. The Rock - The Interview King
7. Sting - Never dies
8. Chris Jericho - The True Millenium Man
9. Chyna - The Female who paved the way
10. Chris Benoit - The Crippler

The Following Lists sent in by Fieff

Top 10 Underrated Wrestlers Today

  1. Chris Benoit
  2. Wrath
  3. Konnan
  4. Chris Jericho
  5. Billy Kidman
  6. Raven
  7. Triple H
  8. Dean Malenko
  9. "Bad Ass" Billy Gunn
  10. Eddie Guerrero
Top 10 Best Wrestlers Today
  1. Bret Hart
  2. Chris Benoit
  3. Ric Flair
  4. Sting
  5. Triple H
  6. The Rock
  7. Randy Savage
  8. Shawn Michaels
  9. Stone Cold
  10. Mic Foley
Top 10 Overrated/Worst Wrestlers Today
  1. Goldberg
  2. Hollywood Hogan
  3. Hulk Hogan
  4. Steve "Mongo" McMichaels
  5. DDP
  6. Kevin Nash
  7. Undertaker
  8. Kane
  9. X-Pac
  10. Bam-Bam
Top 10 Wrestlers of All-Time
  1. Ric Flair
  2. Bret Hart
  3. Shawn Michaels
  4. Andre the Giant
  5. Mic Foley (cactus jack, dude love, mankind)
  6. Terry Funk
  7. The "original" Ultimate Warrior
  8. Macho Man Savage
  9. Arn Anderson
  10. Stone Cold Steve Austin (only b/c he's a fellow TEXAN,and he's bigger in the 90's than Hogan in the 80's)
Top 10 Tag Teams
  1. Hart Foundation
  2. Steiner Bros.
  3. Benoit/Malenko
  4. Outsiders
  5. Rockers
  6. Blanchard/Anderson
  7. New Age Outlaws
  8. British Bulldogs
  9. Animal/Hawk
  10. Natural Disasters

The Following Lists sent in by ronaldd@realmedia.com

Top 10 Wrestlers of All Time

  1. Bret Hart
  2. Ricky Steamboat
  3. Ric Flair
  4. Randy Savage
  5. Shawn Michaels
  6. Hollywood Hulk Hogan
  7. Jake "The Snake" Roberts
  8. Roddy Piper
  9. Curt Hennig
  10. Andre the Giant
Top 10 Tag Teams of All Time
  1. The Road Warriors
  2. Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard
  3. The Outsiders (Hall & Nash)
  4. The Steiners
  5. Terry Gordy & Steve Williams
  6. The British Bulldogs
  7. The Rock-N-Roll Express
  8. The Hart Foundation (Hart & Neidhart)
  9. The Wild Somoans
  10. The Midnight Express (Condrey & Eaton)

The Following Lists sent in by Gntrotter@aol.com

Top 5 Stables of All-Time

  1. The IV Horsemen
  2. The Fabulous Freebirds
  3. nWo
  4. The Hart Foundation
  5. The Midnight Express
Top 10 Worst Stables of All-Time
  1. The Dungeon of Doom
  2. Nation of Domination (WWF)
  3. Nation of Domination (USWA)
  4. Raven's Nest
  5. Los Boriquas
  6. Disciples of Apocalypse
  7. bWo
  8. Legion of Doom
  9. South African Truth Commission
  10. Million Dollar Corporation

The Following Lists sent in by Ron & Leah Held

Top 10 Tag Teams Today

  1. Headbangers
  2. Steve Austin & Shawn Michaels
  3. Outsiders
  4. Harlem Heat
  5. Steiners
  6. Wrath & Mortis
  7. British Bulldog & Owen Hart
  8. Faces of Fear
  9. Gangstas
  10. Glacier & Ernest Miller
Top 10 Tag Teams of All-Time
  1. Arn & Ole Anderson
  2. The Rockers
  3. The Fabulous Freebirds
  4. Road Warriors
  5. The Funks (Terry and Dory Jr.)
  6. Tully Blanchard & Arn Anderson
  7. Hart Foundation
  8. Demolition
  9. Midnight Express
  10. Rock'N'Roll Express
Top 10 Wrestlers Today
  1. Stone Cold Steve Austin
  2. Lex Luger
  3. The Giant
  4. Chris Benoit
  5. Ric Flair
  6. Sting
  7. Kevin Nash
  8. Shawn Michaels
  9. Bret Hart
  10. Diamond Dallas Page
Top 10 Wrestlers of All-Time
  1. Andre the Giant
  2. Big John Studd
  3. "The Cat" Ernie Ladd
  4. Ivan Putski
  5. George "The Animal" Steele
  6. Ricky Steamboat
  7. Terry Funk
  8. Arn Anderson
  9. Tully Blanchard
  10. Dusty Rhodes
Top 5 Members of a WARGAMES Team
  1. Chris Benoit
  2. Stone Cold Steve Austin
  3. The Giant
  4. Sting
  5. Ric Flair

The Following Lists sent in by Matt Powell

Top 10 Wrestlers Today

  1. Ric Flair
  2. Steve Austin
  3. Sting
  4. Malenko
  5. Benoit
  6. Undertaker
  7. Shawn Michaels
  8. Vader
  9. Steve McMichael
  10. Diamond Dallas Page
Top 10 Wrestlers of All-Time
  1. Ric Flair
  2. Arn Anderson
  3. Tully Blanchard
  4. Sting
  5. Bret Hart
  6. Bruno Sammartino
  7. Larry Zbyszko
  8. Harley Race
  9. Hulk Hogan
  10. Roddy Piper
Top 5 Tag Teams Today
  1. Legion of Doom
  2. Steiners
  3. Faces of Fear
  4. Outsiders
  5. New Age Outlaws
Top 10 Tag Teams of All-Time
  1. Demolition
  2. Fabulous Freebirds
  3. Rock'N'Roll Express
  4. Midnight Express
  5. Road Warriors
  6. Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard
  7. Southern Boys
  8. Twin Towers
  9. Steiners
  10. Doom
Top 5 Managers Today
  1. Sable
  2. Jimmy Hart
  3. Ted Dibiase
  4. Sonny Onoo
  5. Francine
Top 10 Managers of All-Time
  1. Slick
  2. Bobby Heenan
  3. Jimmy Hart
  4. J.J. Dillon
  5. Jim Cornette
  6. Elizabeth
  7. Paul Ellering
  8. Mr. Fuji
  9. Teddy Long
  10. Freddie Blassie
Top 5 Dream Matches
  1. Steve Austin vs. Ultimate Warrior
  2. Ric Flair vs. Steve Austin
  3. Dusty Rhodes vs. Larry Zbyszko
  4. Rick Steiner vs. Scott Steiner
  5. Sting vs. Ultimate Warrior

The Following Lists sent in by Billy Blessing

Top 5 Dream Matches (and winners)

  1. Stone Cold v/s Goldberg (Winner-Goldberg)
  2. Hulk Hogan v/s Hollywood Hogan (Winner-Hulk Hogan)
  3. Sting v/s Ultimate Warrior (Winner-Sting)
  4. Andre the Giant v/s The Giant (Winner-Andre the Giant)
  5. Horsemen (Flair, Andersons, Blanchard) v/s Horsemen (Flair, Benoit, Malenko, McMichael) (Winners-Flair, Andersons, Blanchard)
Top 10 Wrestlers of All-Time
  1. "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair
  2. Hulk Hogan
  3. "Macho Man" Randy Savage
  4. "The Enforcer" Arn Anderson
  5. Bret "Hitman" Hart
  6. Lex Luger
  7. Sting
  8. The Ultimate Warrior
  9. "Rowdy" Roddy Piper
  10. Andre the Giant

The Following Lists sent in by Limpk3169@aol.com

Best Wrestlers of 1999 (Talent and Mic skills)
1. Bret Hart
2. Chris Beniot
3. Mankind
4. Jeff Jarrett
5. HHH
6. Rob Van Dam
7. Justin Credible
8. Taz
9. The Rock
10. Shane Douglas

Top Ten Tag Teams of 1999
1. Beniot+Melenko
2. Hardy Boyz
3. Edge And Christian
4. Dudley Boyz
5. Acolytes
6. Impact Playerz
7. Hollys
8. Outsiders
9. Sabu And Rob Van Dam
10. Too Cool

Best Women of 1999
1. Tammy Lynn Sytch
2. Torrie Wilson
3. Chyna
4. Terri Runnels
5. Gorgeous George
6. Francine
7. Dawn Marie
8. Trish Stratus
9. Ryan Shamrock (Symphony)
10. Kimberly

Best Matches of 1999
1. Chris Beniot Vs Bret Hart-----Owen Hart Memorial Tribute
2. Bret Hart Vs Chris Beniot-----WCW Mayhem
3. Chris Beniot Vs Jeff Jarrett----WCW Starrcade
4. Rob Van Dam Vs Jerry Lynn--Hard-core Heaven
5. Rob Van Dam Vs Jerry Lynn--ECW ON TNN (ECW Arena)
6. Hardy Boyz Vs Edge and Christian--WWF No Mercy
7. Mike Awesome Vs Masato Tanaka-ECW November to Remember
8. Shane Douglas Vs Taz--ECW Guilty as Charged
9. Mankind Vs The Rock---- WWF Royal Rumble
10. Test Vs Shane Mcmahon ----WWF SummerSlam

Best PPV of the year
1. ECW hardcore Heaven
Best Match:RVD Vs Jerry Lynn
2. WWF No Mercy
Best Match Edge and Christian vs Hardy Boyz
3. ECW HeatWave(I was there!)
Best Match Dudley Boyz vs Spike and Ballz
4. WCW Mayhem
Best Match: Bret Hart vs Chris Beniot
5. ECW Guilty as Charged
Best Match: Taz vs Shane Douglas
6. WWF St.Valentine's Day
Best Match: Al Snow Vs Hardcore Holly
7. WCW Starrcade
Best Match: Chris Beniot Vs Jeff Jarrett
8. WWF SummerSlam
Best Match: Test Vs Shane mcmahon
9. ECW Anarchy Rulz
Best Match:Taz Vs Masato Tanaka Vs Mike Awesome
10. WWF Backlash
Best Match Undertaker Vs Ken Shamrock

Top Ten Wrestlers of all Time
1. Ric Flair
2. Bret Hart
3. Dusty Rhodes
4. Harley Race
5. Bruno Sammartino
6. Arn Anderson
7. Shawn Michaels
8. Ricky Steamboat
9. Randy Savage
10. Terry Funk

Greatest Tag Teams of All Times
1. Demolition
2. Steiner Brothers
4. Road Warriors (not LOD or LOD 200)
5. Midnight Express
6. Rock n' Roll Express
7. Hart Foundation
8. Owen Hart and British Bulldog
9. Outsiders
10. British Bulldogs

Top Ten Greatest Matches of All Times
1. Ric Flair Vs Ricky Steamboat--------Chi-Town Rumble 89
2. Bret Hart Vs British Bulldog--SummerSlam 92
3. Bret Hart Vs Owen Hart-----Wrestlemaina 10
4. Bret Hart Vs Shawn Micheals--Wrestlemaina 12
5. Shawn Micheals Vs Undertaker--Bad Blood 97
6. Shawn Micheals Vs Razor Ramon--Wrestlemaina 10
7. Bret Hart Vs Chris Beniot-----Owen Hart Tribute
8. Terry Funk Vs Ric Flair-------Clash Of the Champions ??
9. Terry Funk Vs Sabu------Born To Be Wired
10. Ricky Steamboat Vs Randy Savage---Wrestlemaina 3

Greatest Pay Per views of all times
1. Spring Stampede 1994(WCW)
Best Match:Flair Vs Steamboat
2. Wrestlemaina 10(WWF)
Best Match: Hart vs Hart
3. Bash At the Beach 1996(wcw)
Best Match:Rey Mysterio Vs Pyschosis
4. Wrestlemaina 3(wwf)
Best Match: Randy Savage vs Ricky Steamboat
5. Starrcade 1983(wcw)
Best Match: Harley Race vs Ric Flair
6. Barely Legal 1997(ecw)
Best Match: Terry Funk Vs Raven
7. HeatWave 1998(ECW)
Best Match:Masato Tanaka Vs Mike Awesome
8. SummerSlam 92(wwf)
Best Match:British Bulldog Vs Bret Hart
9. Mayhem (WCW)
Best Match: Chris Beniot Vs Bret Hart
10. Wrestlemaina 12(wwf)
Best Match: HBK Vs Bret Hart

The following lists are sent in by: MIKESH316@AOL.COM






These lists are simply the opinions of our readers, and should be seen as just that. Any opinions about certain wrestlers and/or organizations are those of our readers, not Shoe or any of our writers.

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