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guzzie's fishin' tips and stories

Hi! welcome to guzzie's fishin' tips and stories page. this page will feature my tips of the week and some fishin' stories that are funny and true. thanks for the visit and tight lines!!! guzzie


When I was 8 years old, my father took us boys to the stream for the first day of trout season. it was crowded as usual. I was eager to start fishin. I had to wait until 8:00 AM before I could start. as soon as the season opened, I threw my line out! I thought I hooked a big one and started to holler! I GOT ONE! I yelled. I saw the rod bent and thought it was a big one. guys started running with nets and were excited for me. here it turns out the hook had been caught in the bottom of my boot and I didn't know it! I was fighting my boot! boy that pole was bending! we all had a big laugh and enjoyed a great opening day! guzzie

** For fun with trout, try an ultralight outfit with 4# test line! you'll have a ball!
** Never throw away garden worms! trout love them!
** Trout raised by hatcheries love velveeta cheese! try some!
**when using bussbedding for worms, mix it with distilled water or spring water. chlorinated water can kill them.
**use a #6 hook or smaller for trout.
**berkley pink powerbait works well for trout!
**if a stream is a little high and a little murky, go get your pole and go fishin' ! best water for trout! be careful!
**never fish alone if possible

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