Fist Fight


Hiker's Hell

A reader's idea...lost the name...
A tranquil glen...a beautiful day...Ilene was extactic at having found the perfect place to camp out. Her new hiking boots felt good and the double layered white socks she wore cushioned her steps as she began to set up camp. She had tan shorts on along with a loose fitting flannel shirt...her long,brown hair hung freely on her endowed frame. Ilene was about to pitch her tent when another woman came lumbering through the brush and into her glen.
The startled Ilene cautiously peered at this intruder who dropped her backpack and walked up to her...nose to nose. With a sneering glare the intruder ordered Ilene to vacate "her spot"! Ilene scoffed at the demand and instructed her intruder to keep another sight. The intruder...Heather...a tall blonde with curly hair...grew red in the face. Before either woman could think about it, they were screaming at each other and threatening bodily harm if they didn't move on.
Ilene hissed, "I was here first and I'll be here until I decide to go"! Heather snarled,"I always camp here and you will leave now or we are gonna fight"! Ilene, not being familiar with combat, thought about it for a minute and decided not to give in...even if it meant a fight. Heather, after hearing Ilene's refusal to leave, stepped back and began to remove her watch and earrings, telling Ilene that if she wanted to fight...then they would fight. Ilene followed suit and removed her watch and earrings, pulled up her socks and retied her laces on her hiking boots. Heather tucked in her flannel shirt, adjusted her blue shorts, pulled her doubled layered socks pair white,the other dark blue,checked her laces on her hiking boots, and stood ready for Ilene to fight.
They decided to start at the far end of the clearing, leaving room for their camping equipment, and walked to that area. Once there Ilene and Heather stood waiting for the other to back down. Turn's out...neither was familiar with making war...they usually bluffed their way out by tough talk and no action. Now they stood facing each other alone in the woods...miles from any other human one to stop them or break up the fight. They were afraid and alone. Heather and Ilene eyed each other up and down and resigned themselves to clash.
Ilene was first to ball up her fists and stand ready. Heather looked at her own hands and made two fists. They brought their fists up in defensive positions and moved to meet. When they got to within striking distance, they began to circle slowly...their boots shuffeling in the grass. Ilene and Heather reached back at the same time delivered stunning punches to each others' arms. Once the first blows had been struck, they became determined to win and stalked each other around the glen. Ilene fired off a jab to Heather's face, hitting her cheek. Heather retaliated with a hard hook to Ilene's side. The women stood still for a second, feeling their pain from the early punches.
Ilene grew angry and moved to engage Heather, who met her with equal anger. They began to exchange punch for punch, grunting and growling as they fought. Hard rights and lefts clumsily crashed into them as they battled with increasing fury. Heather leaned into Ilene and held her tightly about her upperbody. slamming hard punches to her side and stomach with her free hand. Ilene gasped deeply as she felt Heather's fist battering her body. She followed suit and they stood body to body, pummeling each others' bodies at close range. Their hair mixed together into a sweaty tangle as the women fought on.
Tears began to flow from both fighters as they struggled in this tranquil place. Ilene reached for Heather's hair and started to pull it with both hands. Heather screamed out and attacked Ilene's hair in the same manner. Now the enraged women staggered about in a wild collision of pain, pulling hair out from the roots in vicious fashion. Heather fired off her right knee into Ilene's groin, the injured camper dropped to the ground like a rock. Heather paused to regain her breath as her opponent rolled on the ground in a tortured show of agony.
Ilene cursed and swore vengence as she slowly struggled to her feet. As the two warring women moved to clash again, Ilene sent her booted foot into Heather's groin. It slammed hard into the shreiking woman who fell to the grass with Ilene following her down. Heather rolled to her stomach as Ilene mounted her in a fully outstretched position. Ilene reached around Heather's neck and began choking her as hard as she could. Heather's eyes buldged as the pressure of Ilene's arms tightened around her. The bottom woman sent her elbow back and into Ilene's face, stunning her enough to break free and mount her own attack. Heather leaped onto her opponent, setting off a cruel ground struggle that saw them use every means possible to hurt each other.
Like crazed warriors, the women punched,scratched,bit,kicked,squeezed, and elbowed each other into battered masses of females. Ilene clamped onto Heather's upper arm with her teeth and bit deeply into it while her claws raked her foe wherever she could. Heather bit deeply into Ilene's breast and clawed back with both hands to all areas of Ilene's face. The women entangled themselves into a tight lockup using their legs as ropes,trapping each other in this close,no getting away embrace. Ilene and Heather grew weak and faint as the fight dragged on. They sobbed and groaned...barely their bleeding bodies slowly rocked back and forth in the grass. They snarled and grunted as both chewed away at each other and clawed deep, red welts into each other's faces.
Their flannel shirts had become shredded from the massive clawing and pulling of the fight. Their shorts had become covered with dirt and grass stains, their layered socks collasped into bunched masses of wool. Ilene and Heather slowed to barely moving as they fought out the last of this war. The women sighed as the fight reached it's end. In desperation, Ilene had reached into Heather's shorts, at the same time her oppenent had eased her grip,and now had begun to manuver her hand in a way to end the fight...female style. Heather released her grasps on Ilene and layed with her until her female instinct exploded in climax. She shuddered violently and moaned loudly as the eruption rocketed through her. She was barely able to sputter out her surrender as Ilene rolled away and pointed the way out of her camp sight.
The End

Moms and Daughters or...Girls Will Be Girls

An idea from Bob.
In most cases,the kids get into fights first...then the parents get involved. Not so here in The Story Corner. They were each in their late forties,stood about five-five, and had short brown hair. Both weighed about one-thirty five and each was hardly considered "fight cats". Neither had been in anything beyond a few kicks as far as combat goes. A festering feud had developed between the two women concerning their daughters...who were good friends and palled around together most days. The feud between their mothers was born of pure jealousy. Each of their daughters had competed for spots on the field hocky team and one made the varsity team, the other got junior varsity. The young girls were happy with the results and paid no attention to the proding of their "sideline coaches"...their mothers.
The feud grew more heated when comments began between the mothers regarding their daughters' spots on the team. The insinuations of influence and lack of talent grew to a backyard showdown between the otherwise peaceful women.
On the morning of September 5th,after a heated exchange on the phone the night before, the two women decided to have at it in the back yard of Alicen. For no other reason than pure hatred between the two mothers, Alicen and Rose hurried their families off to work and school and fevorishly dressed for combat. Alicen pulled on her sweatpants and donned two padded bras under her sweatshirt. She pulled on a pair of her thickest white roller blade socks over her pants and decided on the scrunched position for them. Next she donned her Reebok lowcut crosstrainers and laced them on. Alicen stood in front of her mirror and posed like a boxer...admiring herself. She shadowboxed for a few minutes before heading out to her yard...the arranged sight of the fight.
Rose ushered her family to the front door and hurried up to her bedroom. She dug into her closet and donned her dark blue stretch pants,a heavy blue sweater over two padded bras,and then searched her sock drawer for the heaviest pair she could find. On the bottom of the pile, she found her old navy blue cable knit kneesocks from her highschool days...still like new. She had received them for Christmas her senior year and had hardly ever worn them with her school uniform. Pantyhose had been the rage back then so they sat unused for the most part until today. She pulled them on and remembered her days at school. As Rose slid her feet into her Nike low cut sneakers she remembered one incident from her past in which she had donned the same footware to meet another school girl after class to fight...her only clash. Some stand up wrestling and a swift kick to her opponent's shin ended their fight in two minutes flat. She thought that one victory under her belt would help her with her new opponent. Laces tight, Rose bounced around in front of her mirror shadowboxing and then headed for her neighbor's backyard. She pulled her kneesocks half way up before exiting her house.
Rose bounded into Alicen's backyard with the waiting Alicen poised and ready to start. After a few catty remarks between the two women,their hatred for each other was enough to fuel the fury that would launch them into combat.
Rose and Alicen wasted no time and set to move to each other, hands up in fistic positions. They strode into each other and began to fight with both fists, swinging wildly at every spot they could aim their fury at. Punches thudded into their soft bodies and faces as the fighting women moved about the yard in a violent ballet of hate. Nikes and Reeboks shuffeled across the soft grass as their owners battled away above them. Punch after punch shattered the quiet morning as the two women fought with harsh intent.
The initial fierce exchange between them was halted after the first five minutes with each woman pausing to catch her breath and nurse her wounds. Rose had a fat lip and mouse under her right eye, along with numorous bruises to all parts of her body. Alicen had a small trickle of blood coming from her nose, a welt forming on her left cheek, and bruises on her upper body. She was glad she had decided to wear two padded bras as her breast punches hardly hurt at all.
They stood staggering slightly with their fists held tightly but their arms lowered during the break. Alicen motioned that she was resuming and Rose met her once more. They started as before, pummeling with no regard to defense, and battled across the backyard and into the corner of the fence. Rose managed to get the outside position and bulled Alicen into the corner,battering her with close body punches as Alicen attempted to fight her way out. They stood locked in a close body to body punch out that thudded with painful results. They leaned into each other and continued to fight against the fence. Face against bruised face, they held each other in a vise like clinch, struggling to stay up. Alicen pushed Rose back a step and reversed their position, launching another corner assault that brought them back to a grueling body to body battle. Rose grew weak from the assault and attempted to cover up with little help. Alicen grew more confident at seeing this and went wild. She battered away to all parts and when she was satisfied, eased up and stepped back a few steps, allowing Rose to sink to the grass.
Alicen weeped as she watched her foe cry freely on the ground. Still, Alicen wanted more. She sank to her knees and embraced Rose...rather gently at first. Rose was helpless for now and on her knees as well, kneeled motionless against her opponent. Alicen slowly reached for two handfuls of Rose's hair and flung themselves into a heap of writhing females. They wrestled tightly against each other with Alicen in command. She rolled them at will and even held Rose in top position a few times while laying under her and ripping handfuls of her hair out. Rose wailed as Alicen wept but kept her assault in full gear. Their legs entwined and the material of their bulky socks rubbed together causing vibrations between them. Rose attempted to escape but had little sucess. She latched onto her opponent's hair and the women layed and rolled tightly together as handfuls of brown locks began to litter the backyard.
In a desperate move, Rose bit into the thick blue sweater of her opponent and latched on like a pitbull. Alicen shreiked loudly as Rose's teeth sank into her shoulder. Rose snarled as she held her grip with blind fury. Alicen clamped down onto Rose's shoulder as well, and they snarled and bit into each other like mad dogs. Still pulling clumps of hair out, the women rolled over and over as if in slow motion across the backyard. Tears flowed between them as well as blood. They struggled as one until fatague claimed them both. Each woman released their grips and bites and moved a few feet apart, still on the ground. Cursing each other, they moaned and struggled to stand, each knowing the fight was over. To their horror,their daughters were standing just inside the fence, mouths wide open in shock! Rose and Alicen crawled to them and each was comforted by their gawking offspring.
Gale and Amanda helped their mothers into their homes and adminstered first aide. While this was going on, each of the hatful mothers begged their daughters for vengence. Gale grew angry as her mother discribed the fight that she claimed was unfair. Rose spoke of horrible things that never happened but Gale believed.
Amanda listened as Alicen filled her with fictiousious fight accounts and promised to avenge her mother. After putting each battered mother to bed, the youngsters undid their jewelery and earrings and still in their school uniforms of dark blue jumpers, white blouses, saddle shoes and dark blue kneesocks, stormed out into their yards and headed to each other. They came together on the sidewalk between their houses and without a second thought, pounced onto each other while screaming like enraged animals.
Amanda and Gale fell to the ground locked tightly together and fought with fists and legs in a torrent of combat. Amanda and Gale attacked at will and pummeled each other in front of the houses as their mothers watched from their bedrooms. The girls rolled back and forth as they fought in tight embraces on the hard sidewalk. Knees and elbows instantly became bloodied from the cement encounter. They screamed angerily as they fought in ernest. Saddle shoes kicked out at shins as the girls rolled on the ground. Fists pounded into their bodies as they battled in a vicious heap. Amanda and Gale managed to get to their feet while still locked tightly together and struggled into the street. Double side head locks and fist fighting carried them to the opposite curb and then down the street to the next house. They moved back to the center of the less traveled lane and stood in tight combat, pummeling away at each other until both clinched and lowered to the black asphalt of the roadway.
A slow wrestling match ensued now as the two daughters rolled in angry conflict. Amanda and Gale hung onto each other and fought on as passerbys stopped to watch. Before long a small crowd had formed around the girls and directed a few stray cars away from the embattled two. They grew exhausted and rolled slowly in violent entwinment. Body punches resounded again as they layed there, weeping and battered. The warring girls finally eased their punches and pulled each other to their feet. They staggered and paused for a moment, the crowd silent. As if on cue, Amanda and Gale sighed and turned away from each other, retreating to their homes. The fight was over. The bemused crowd filtered on their way and Mulberry Street returned to normal.
The End

Cosmetic Catfight

A WTinsley Idea

It had been coming for some time. Helen and Margaret had been at odds over just about everything since they first came in contact with each other two months ago. Each woman was head strong and confident in every way. Both were in their early forties and built similar...beautifully average. Round in all the right places and not overly muscular or underly frail. They each stood about 5'7" and weighed in at around 135 lbs. Helen had dark brownhair, Margaret's was blonde.
Tension had been steadily building between the two as they continued to compete for choice assignments and the promotion that was up for grabs. The actual battle began on a Thursday evening after all but they had left the office for the day. Dresed in office dresses and business styled pumps and hose, they came face to face in the conference room and stood nose to nose, each spoiling for a fight. Margaret let her temper get the better of her and after a heated verbal exchange with Helen, slapped her across her face...hard. Helen's face powder and makeup could be felt by Margaret as she wriggled her fingers after the slap. Helen jolted back from the impact but instantly recoiled into a fighters' stance. She strode into Margaret and hauled off with her own hard slap that slammed across Margaret's face, smudging her makeup.
The women stood apart and glared at each other as they made ready for combat. Margaret issued the challenge and Helen accepted. Each woman took the time to remove their wedding rings and watches,earrings and necklaces, and moved to the center off the large room to fight.
They circled slowly, threatening each other with great harm, their pumps still on their feet. Helen lurched forward and grabbed onto Margaret's hair with both hands. She yanked as hard as she could as the screaming Margaret reached for Helen's hair and took hold in the same fashion. The women swaggered and swayed as they ripped and tore at their opponent's hair. Helen and Margaret battled across the room and bumped into the wall. There, they locked together face to face,cheek to cheek, and at very close range, ripped away at the other's hair.
Their shoulders exposed due to the halter top style of their dresses, they beagn to sweat and the lights of the office made them shine. Their faces tightly pressed together caused them to smear their makeup onto each other as they continued to stagger around the room. Helen released her right hand and began to punch at her opponent's stomach with repeated blows that brought tears to the stricken woman's eyes. Margaret retaliated in kind and they fought in a hair pulling punching contest that brought them to a breathless state. Margaret heaved herself to one side and flung Helen across the room. Helen was barely able to keep her footing in the pumps but managed to stay on her feet.
The women paused to get their breath back and move the hair from their eyes. Helen hissed as Margaret snarled and they moved to continue the fight. They met in the center of the room again and began to slap away at each other in earnest. The women fought a stinging slapping battle with lefts and rights across and around the room. They paused again for a minute, leaning on the table that sat along the far wall.
Margaret resumed first and shuffeled into Helen, grabbing her in a violent embrace. Her arms wrapped tightly around Helen's upper body, she squeezed against Helen and the other woman responded in kind with a grueling upper body lock as well. Face to face, makeup to makeup,sweat to sweat, they fought alonf the wall and into the corner.
Helen saw an opportunity here and slammed herself against Margaret, who slammed into the corner. She began to batter away at Margaret with hard punches that thwacked off her smeared face paint and powder as her opponent cried out and wept with each blow. Margaret tried to fight back but was only landing a few good shots at best. As Helen paused to adjust her dress, Margaret took advantage of the break and slammed her fist into Helen's mouth. Blood now trickled from both womens' lips and noses as they squared up like boxers and prepared to fight again.
Helen moved on her opponent and jabbed at her, Margaret took a few shots and jabbed back. Soft knuckles wacked into soft faces as the women slowly moved around the room and fought a fist fight now. They breathed heavily through their cries and gasps as they continued to fight fist to fist.
Jabs were mostly used with an occasional attempt at a knockout punch thrown in. The big punches missed more times than struck their marks as the tiring women lumbered about their private ring. Helen and Margaret went into a clinch and held onto each other loosely, cheek to cheek. Their makeup smeared and ran together as the sweaty women pressed their faces against the other's. Exhausted now, they just stood there, holding onto each other and waited for a submission. When none came, they moved into a double bearhug and crushed each other with harsh intent. Helen and Margaret stumbled about in an exhausted state and finally fell to the floor. They seperated on impact, Margaret rolled away and without uttering a word, staggered out of the room and headed for the elevator.
Helen cursed herself for wanting to continue the fight, but followed her retreating opponent and caught her as she stepped into the waiting elevator. The button for the lobby floor lit up as the doors closed begind them. They had a thirty floor ride ahead and no one to stop them. Margaret pleaded for Helen to stop the fight and lowered herself into the corner of the car, in a protective position. As the car began it's decent, Helen gasped out her war cry and pounced onto the submissive woman. Helen attacked her opponent with all that she had. Punches and hairpulls along with slaps echoed around the small car. Screams and gasps filled the air as Margaret took a brutal beating.
The car suddenly lurched to a halt! The power had gone off all over the city! The force of the jolting car thrust Helen off her prone opponent and Margaret, enraged from the unmerciful treatment of her opponent, cooly mounted her attacker and began a systematic assault that had her knuckles bleeding and raw from her victim's face. Punch after punch thudded into the fallen woman as they layed together in the small car and Margaret pounded away.
The car suddenly lurched again as the lights came back on, revealing the unconscience Margaret laying under Helen. Helen sighed a sigh of relief as she realized that the fight was over and that she had won!
She sent the elevator back to the 30th floor where she dragged Margaret off and got her possesions. A quick clean up and Helen was on her way home. Margaret was found by security and taken to a hospital. She is in good condition and expected to make a full recovery.
The End

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