Helmet Pictures #5

Still yet even more select photos from the history of football

A shot of the 49ers silver shell helmet with the 'SF' logo from 1963 (vs Giants).

A couple of early Jaguar helmet designs. The left shot is the design the team showed off at the press conference announcing the creation of the team. The design on the right is the logo they changed to before being threatened with a lawsuit from the Jaguar car company because of the similarities in the two logos. Thanks to Gene Sanny and Kurt Sanger for the info.

A history of the Buffalo Bills helmet. I'm not sure, but I think they wore a plain silver helmet before the number version. No hard proof of this though.

A great shot of the Colt white horseshoe back helmet (held by hall-of-famer Art Donovan). Thanks to Kurt Sanger.

Shot of a 49er press conference with the proposed new helmet design in the foreground. The change was never made due to fan disapproval of the new design.

An interesting photo showing those little plastic head bobbers (you put them in your car window and the little head bobbed up and down as you drove...remember?) with CFL helmets from 1963. Thanks to John Meyer.

The only color pic of the Redskins feather back helmet I could find.

An interresting shot of the black Saint helmet worn during the preseason prior to their first season. Much thanks to Jay!

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