If you're not a liberal at the age of 20, you don't have heart.
If you're not conservative by the age of 40, you don't have a brain

                                         Winston Churchil

Welcome, th visitor since January 1, 1999, to the home page of Joe M. Michael Sasanuma! This index page is going through a makeover so it will be less boring to visit. All topics discussed here are of my interests.

What's on this page

What's New

What Was Updated Recently

What's Planned Ahead


  • I am now a freelance writer for a site called Themestream. You can read my articles here.
  • There are two shortcuts to get to this page: joesas.lookscool.com and www.geocities.com/jsasanuma. Remember one, the other, both, or niether, in which case you need to remember my e-mail address so I can e-mail you the link.
  • The Q & A format at Macs Page did not work. I tried something else. Check it out.
  • As if I haven't mentioned it enough, my hard disk crashed. Please resend any of your addresses so I can reprofile them on my computer
  • I am rearranging my site. If there is a broken link, e-mail me
  • My AOL Instant messenger screen name is JSasanuma
  • My e-mail address is JSasanuma@vote4gop.org
  • I'm glad that people are signing the guestbook, but I'd appreciate it if you complete every part...

Topics of My Page

The Stock Market


My interest in the stock market is nothing short of an obsession. On the bright side, with obsession comes knowledge. This is the place I show that knowledge off. Now with my own home page, I can finally do what I have always dreamed of doing: pretend to be a stock broker / analyst. I have many related links to this topic: I have my own list of "suggested stocks", I have also analyzed the market as a whole, and explain what kind of things stocks are vulnerable to. This is based not on books or references, but from my own observations of the market in the past.

Sports: New England Patriots

My "interest" in sports, particularly football, has gone so far, many people now consider it an "obsession." Although I have favorite teams for each of the most popular sports, New Jersey Devils for hockey, New Jersey Nets for basketball, New York Yankees for baseball, and New England Patriots for football, I am going to concentrate only on one (for now) of my most favorite sport: football. This way, I can update regularly. Just click on the team logo to go to that page. The Yankees Page, for now, is not being updated.

Patriots Logo Yankees Logo

These links will take you to the page that includes the upcoming schedule, analysis of games recently played, the prediction of the season, analysis of the next game, playoff predictions, hopes, and other random thoughts.

Apple Macintosh

Apple's Sleek Powerbook G3 Apple's iMac

Although I am not a fanatic, I still LOVE Apple. In fact, I want to be buried with my beaten up, but still very usable (until the hard disk crashed), PowerMac 6100/60 on the day I die. As all Apple fans do, and especially because I am very vocal, I have tons of opinions about news regarding Apple. It can be found here: Personal Mac Opinion Page. This page is done in collaboration with Vincent Quantumn .

Thoughts and Opinion

If you have read my About Me page, you would know that I am interested in many things, including philosophy, government, law, politics, ethics, morality, journalism, history, et cetera. What you may not have known is that I love to voice my opinions. I love to tell people about my ideas even if they can care less. So, in the hopes that I can annoy even more people, I have created this Opinion Page. This page not only include my ideas, but some responses (if I get any) to my ideas as well. I also hope to include the story that I have been slowly, but gradually (in the last three years, I got three pages...) working on. By the way, My Favorite Links Page is up and running.

The counter has been reset as of January 1, 1999 at midnight. I am hoping the turnout to my site will be better this year than last year.

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