Last Updated 6/4/04

Special thanks to our sponsor, JB Quimby's

 Offense Prvails as the boys win 20-13!----Next Game--6/10, 6 pm, Field 4, vs. Go For Broke!!!


Those Guys

That wonderful bunch of lugs who love softball.

Welcome to the place where Those Guys hang out. Who are we? The short answer is a bunch of guys who get together and play softball at Henrietta Town Park (yes, we've moved) on Thursday nights.

Hey, Very mucho Thanks to Elaine for the Great Baked Goods (and generous stats!)

There's more to come, so stay tuned!!


Please come back soon and visit us.

The Lineup (03 version)

Back Row: Brian Smith, Tim Greene, Andrew Klun,  Craig Watkins, Jason Roper, Mike DeLuca and AJ DeLuca, Elaine Tomko-DeLuca

Front Row: Andy Zibuck with Andrew Zibuck, Greg Hammonds, Gordon Penniston (me), Mike O'Reilly

Missing: Rick Allen, Steve Kesselring



Thanks to Steve Nybida for the animation and idea

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