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Well, I'm just learning about soccer which is kind of embarrassing considering where I'm from. I just don't feel comfortable asking any of my friends since they expect everyone around here too know and I'm slightly afraid of getting shot. Anyway, here is my question. Why does the goalie in soccer wear different colored shirts than the regular players?
Soccer Fan in Training, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Sean Thinks:
I think soccer is a cool sport, but how the hell do I pronounce all these guys names. If my dreams of becoming an announcer come true, I hope it isn't for soccer. Still, I need to answer your question to the best of my ability. My opinion is the Goalie is attired in a different colored shirt because he is a stud and has a cool position. I mean there are like a bunch of guys running around kicking the ball trying to score the goal. Only one guys runs around trying to stop the missile kicks. I am sure Nathan has no clue why the goalie's wear different colored shirts, and I would be surprised if he knew what a goalie was. Anyway, Nate your turn!
Nate Thinks:
Well, it is a known fact that all goalies are colorblind. Therefore, they pick up the wrong uniforms and do not match their teammates. The same thing applies to the black and white soccer balls and those that are white with colored panels. Goalies cannot tell the difference. The goalies' teammates want the goalie to worry about the game and not how freaky they look, so their teammates never tell them they are dressed badly.
Nate and Sean's Response:
I hope that you believe we are not that clueless. The real reason is so the referee can distinguish who has the right to grab the ball with their hands. They cannot wear they same color as their team or the opposition, so many times they wear multi-colored shirts. So, my Brazilian friend, I hope we have made the world a better place for you.
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