Thanks for visiting me!! Before you go please sign "The Blackbook". Since I'm kinda new at this hp thang, please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions. - RiCy

06/14/00 14:22:48
Name: Richmond *preskewl, itcheekins* My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Sport: full contact cash withdrawling and spending money for know reason.. Hobby: music and being with mah Bebekins Song or group: KAI,DNH,DEVOTION,PINAY,ONEVO1CE,CQUENCE,SIMPLE,SIMPLICITY,etc.etc
Motto: if you see someone you like... run away!! if she chases you..! thats truely shagadelic baby yah!! *i just made that up* heheh Nickname: preskewl,chie,itcheekins,chiechie,rich,richie, and a partridge in a pear tree heeeeeeeeeeeeee! yah

hiya ricy.. just wanna say waassssssssssssssssaaaaaaaaaaabiiii.. Anyway's,imma bored at work and lookin at old homepages..!! welps see ya around heheh hahah hohoh yahhahhahahh and ummm did i mention heeeehawwwwwww.. oh yah!! HI BEBEKINS!!!!!!!!!!

06/08/00 06:23:48
Name: sherrrrry
My URL: Visit Me

hey audric..hehe..thanks for signin our g' have to send in yer i can put it on the IRc page..yea?? ok! hehehe.. i just wanted to say..i like the hawaii pic! why didnt you guys ask me to come along =( next time k?? he he he..yer too funny! =P aright..takecare you! see you soon.... sherry :)

05/12/00 11:06:02
Name: JeN-8o8 My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Sport: vball, track, c.c. Hobby: meet up w/ new brethren, love to socalize and interact Song or group: one voice
Motto: "A perverse man stirs up dissenion, and a gossip separates close friends"PROVERBS16:28 Nickname: JeN; JeN-JeN; never-ever "JENNY"..ewww!! hate that nick name :p

aloha! nice page u got here..i ended up being here from a webpage...well...keep up the good work...much props...well, whenever u see me on INC CHAT @k@ IRC CHAT ROOMS..make sure u all say wassup to meeh aite?? :p..well aloha..until then..jen

TOP:joni, lee ann, froi, and vic MID: eli, harold, and justin BOT:JeN*me*, gail and thea

most of us from the island of kauai

05/08/00 05:42:49
Name: *~*~ sHaRoN*~*~*~*~* My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Sport: B-Ball.....yayay Hobby: composing musics and lyrics!!! Song or group: AnYkIne dAs soOThIng To dA SoUl!! ***********
Motto: "Don't cry because it's because it happened" Nickname: ~*~*~*~SIsShaR~*~*~*~*~

Hey DeR bRo....WeLl I JuST LIkE sAy dAT ur WeBPage Ish aLl cOoL!! wEll diS cHicK bE ouT....taKe cArE....N.....GoD bLeSs!!!!

05/04/00 22:47:14
Name: Den-Den Enriquez My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Sport: Dance Hobby: Dancing, Playing Sports, Worshiping the God Almighty up above=), Performing My Duties, and of course kickin' it with my loved ones=) Song or group: Cry No More by 2 D Extreme..but then again, i have all kinds=) that's just been my fav since way back when.
Motto: Love doesn't keep records of wrongs Nickname: Den-Den

Hey there kuya Ricy=) I finally got that opportunity to sign your black book huh?=)yeah,, thanks for the addy to that tight aTh pics of you folks.all yall for real went to Hawaii??that's soo tight mann..yalls rich or something?hehe daYumNn hehe that's 'so good' no?=) yeah, well, kuya i better get back to my dance rehearsal.TTYL=) miss you and Love YoU!! gotta love me,denden

03/06/00 09:01:43
Name: Big SeXy My URL: Visit Me Sport: shuffleboard!!!
Hobby: SHUFFLEBOARD!!! Song or group: Best hits of Polka Motto: "Polka all day and Polka all night"
Nickname: PoLKA

hey dude, i have'nt been on your page for awhile now.... it got mad flavor commin out of the skyway highway and the rainier valleY CliCks.... However, u need to take out that kad/Bin Dist. Pix...put something more recent.......or soemthing HOmie...aiGht I MMa OuTie...PayCe....hehehe....

02/04/00 06:54:05
Name: NeRiSsA a. AnChEtA My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Sport: SoCcEr!!! Hobby: ReAdInG.... Song or group: aLoT...
Motto: "eVeRyThInG hApPeNs FoR a ReAsOn...." Nickname: RiSsA

hey ricy!!! asdfasdfasdfasfdasfd heheheheh anyways, nice homepage! i saw the pics of the dedication! sorrie i wasn't there to enjoy all those memories wit you guys! i left like a month before! wat can i say... my husband needed me ! :) anyways, hope tha u always take care of yourself! and make sure that u never forget me! LuVz YaH mUcH, RiSsA

01/12/00 11:24:21

12/30/99 23:46:52
Name: Jun P. My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Sport: ringette, backgammon, and tiddlywinks Hobby: breathing Song or group: Hangin' Tough by New Kids on the Block
Motto: Dude.. (tchh) You're out!!!!...... Wow, he's pretty cool... he must be from Japan!!! Nickname: KuyaJun, rotsaP_aK, Da Terd

Dude, I could swear that I had already signed your page before. Man, nevermind. But yo, nice page, dog (how unoriginal!) There's a lot of pics of me. Why is that? You're not a member of some crazed cult, are ya, where you worship me or something like Jenny McCarthy show that got cancelled on MTV where she was worshipping that one dude. That's weak guy. Don't go out like that! Anyway, keep up the good work and don't tell Rex about those short girls we picked up the other day. He might start a rap a out it or something. Take care, hip hoppity frog! Outie 5000.

12/29/99 09:33:20
Name: Ben Tiangsing My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Sport: basketball, volleyball, track , whatevers clever!!! Hobby: hang out Song or group: I knew I loved you before I met you
Motto: Seek the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you Nickname: fflash,benjammin, ben, benjie, benito

Pretty cool Audric.

12/26/99 05:51:24
Name: Jeanette Marcelino My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Sport: BASKETBALL AND VOLLEYBALL are tyte sports! hehehe Hobby: singing, talkin on the phone *tee hee* and goin out with mes amis!!! yeah baybee Song or group: ummmm....i like R&B stuff like slow jams but not a specific group i guess
Motto: "true love never ends with a happy ending b'coz true love never ends" i hab more..but that one's cute! Nickname: Nick-Nok, Jeanybaby, jeany etc. etc.

i dont even knoe if i already signed in here..but i think here i am! HELLO!!!!!!!!! i didnt even know my picture was in here....*eeeks* its all gewd hahaha anyways...ummmmm i'll see you next district event or if you come here or if i go there coz ts not like we live so far apart! *tee hee* yeah yeah blabbing..but hope you take care...God bless and im outtie wid muchoz MAHAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! okay luv...jeanette=)

12/25/99 22:24:59
Name: Matt "AKA" Baller637 My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Sport: it's all about the PNBA baby! Hobby: Worshiping god of course, wait that's more of a way of life. Song or group: All-4-One baby.
Motto: God will never let you make him look bad Nickname: What else but "white boy"

The page was pretty tight even though I wasn't in any of the pics, Peaze out homie. Take carez, Matt. PS snow white is bomb!!!!

11/30/99 03:18:28
Name: mz. blue eyez My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Sport: bbAll AnD wrEstLIng.. (gOttA LUbb thE ROCK!!!) Hobby: IRC'ing, phone, ZZzzZz and munching Song or group: ApRiL ShOwErS ~~dru hill
Motto: mOttO? hehe.. tOO mEny! Nickname: HoNeE

SuP SuP audric!! iSh mEE, ApRiL. bEe rEprEsEntIn' dA LoCaLe of VaNcoUvEr! jUss wAnnA sAy hEy hEy and yOO gOt A nIcE HP hErE.. bUt yAnnO, IvE sEEn bEttEr OnEs..hehehhe jUss jOkes. AnywAys, I jUss sEE yOO on Irc tOnItE And tAlk tO yOO thEn. fOr nOw, tAkE cA E and smILe fOr mEE! :o)

10/26/99 05:46:31
Name: Mike Juan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Sport: Wrestling, oh yeah... ^_^ Hobby: AnImE, Babee!! Can't Get Enuff Song or group: Dan Dan Kokoro Hikarete Ku by Field of View
Motto: Tsuyokereba iki yowakereba shinu Nickname: Soujiro The Tenken, m_juan, Soujiro, Soujiro-dono

I thought I'd sign this thing again. Oh well. Ganbatte oniichan! Ja na!

09/28/99 02:22:59
Name: MaRReN FaCuNDo aka m-N-m_6 My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Sport: BaSKeTBaLL aLL THe WaY!! Hobby: PlaYiN SPoRTs, ChiLLiN WitH FriENdS -n- CHaTTiN On IRC Song or group: aLoT!!
Motto: i DoNt HaVe OnE Nickname: m-N-m_6, meHRen, MaRs BaR

hey kuya audric!! i dont realee know if u know meeh but im sis marren from vancouver.. well i jess wanted to check out ure page and see if u got any new pics yet.. well it's realee good! i love all the pics!! especialee the bacc pic's that u have.. well y h thas it.. i'll jess talk to yah on irc if i see u otay!!?? byE!!! LuVMuCH, m-N-m_6 MaRReN FaCuNDo

09/22/99 02:08:39
Name: C/SSG RhEyViEMaHaL P. BuLLeCeR My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Sport: b-ball, shooting, JRotC, lookin at you...ahahahah so uglee Hobby: daNcing, drOOling OvEr RuFf rYdAhZ, V-MaIL (1888-733-3075), fantazizing, irc when i get the chance Song or group: TbI RuFF RyDaHz HHK
Motto: *hoot hoot hoot* =) lol, "You DORK!!!!" hahah i think. Nickname: RheBcOmB, Raves, rRhydah, Rheyvie, ReBs, VeE, GrAvY,.....hahah get anykind!

hey kuya audric, hahaahh nice hp. hahah....shoot give you props man. every hp looks nice to me shoot. can't even make myself one! hahaah...oh well, kinda hyped right now, i think. anyways, how's everyone else doing? yes i'm talkin to you! hahaah gosh darnet you k ow what? nah....well....just take cares and e-mail me alrighties? bye now! *muwah* 1-888-733-3075

09/07/99 20:07:18

08/16/99 08:11:31
Name: Jemily My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Sport: Volleyball Hobby: ummm... playin sports, dancing hula, computers, hanging out (duuuhhh), doing anykine stuff Song or group: get too much to say
Motto: "you are what you eat" hahahhaha jk ummm..... eh I dunno Nickname: Jem

Hi kuya, ok Iain't dissing you now. ha ha ha Well I like your hp, it's kool. Hope you could go visit mines. Well Bai bai

07/31/99 03:19:55
Name: Albert Chan from Sweet Productionz My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Sport: b-ball, v-ball Hobby: Music Song or group: Tell Me it's Real
Nickname: Albee


[Sweet Productionz]
.............To go to the Sweet Prodcuctionz Page, just click on the banner...............©1999 ReLapse312

07/29/99 10:41:06
Name: Leeza Suelen My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Sport: whateber's cleber fer meeh=) Hobby: IRC'ing, AOL'ing (yuppers...imma addict fer lyfe!) and juss chillin wid mah SeAtOwN CrAzEe CrUe!! wHeRe mAh iNfAmOuS eZPiEcEs At?!?!?! Song or group: "Together Forever", "One Last Cry", "Back To Your Heart", "No One Else Comes Close"
Motto: "It's better to have loved...than to not have loved at all" right Kuya Audric? Nickname: whateber u want...and if i like being called that name=/

HI! HI! HI! HI! Well, nice HP. Where's me?!?! *teehee* j/p=) Anyways, just wanna say thanks for all your advice...and for always listening to me about all that stuff. You know what I'm talking about=) We've been through a lot...good and bad...laughter and tears. And I hope there's more to come! hahaha!!! Lubbs yah Kuya! and *ahem* too! *wink* PNW ROCKS!!!! IGLESIA NI CRISTO FOR LIFE!!!!

07/26/99 21:18:13
Name: ANNE My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me


07/15/99 04:36:52
Name: PrInCeSs RuSseLLyN BaLaSoN My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Sport: Volleyball and Basketball Hobby: I admit.. IRC'ing! And reading... going out with friends too! Song or group: Back to your Heart.. (BSB) So much meaning in it...
Motto: When you let them go.. then you will see.. how truly thou does mean to thee.. Nickname: RuSs, LyN, PrInCeSs, MaHaL, SwEeTy, eTc...

Hey there Dric!!!! Great HOMEPAGE buddy!! Hope you can check mines out.. Hey, where's my pic in this HOMEPAGE of yours huh!?!?!? Did I give you my senior pic?? Oh well.. great homepage. Talk to you on IRC and love ya buddy!

05/27/99 01:54:00
My URL: Visit Me


05/20/99 07:30:08
Name: sherry marcelino My Email: Email Me
Hobby: irc'ing...hehe Song or group: one last cry....=)
Motto: "...only time will tell..." Nickname: (ate) sHewwY

hey audric! whoa...this is the first time i've actually visited you here...nice hp!! well...i guess i'll be seein you on..uh..uh..saturday? bowlin in vancouver ya?? oh..and cant forget baccalaureate next month...takecare moRICE...=) sherry_m aka DMD?

04/29/99 15:46:25
Name: Maybelle Atangan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Sport: Softball, Volleyball, and Basketball Hobby: Singing, YEAH!!!! Song or group: Naughty By Nature
Motto: Just Do It Nickname: Baby pnai, baby girl, May-May

Hey Audric, I don't remember if I signed yer book again so I'm doin' rite now. Jez wanna say "Wuttupperz" and all dat kinda stuph, and I'll see ya latez.

04/08/99 01:58:27
Name: miLLie coStiniaNo My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Sport: bbaLLin and volleybaLL! Hobby: eating and sleeping and ircing Song or group: tbi bebeh! the OG crew
Motto: *gasps* i dunno Nickname: miLzy =)

hi hi hi hi hi audric! wasup mann long time no ircee!? hehe all greatS well anyhayz! i was just surfin and came upon your hooSe err i mean home =) so pretty cool your bahay mann keep it up! aite then take care sweetie! im out

03/30/99 21:41:09
Name: jay suarez My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Sport: billards and the one wit the shells and u have to put them in those hole thingies....i have no idea wat its called Song or group: mag excercise tayo... Motto: calm down ur hormones!
Nickname: J-man, Cressco, kajs, sa-rap_boi

hey rico, whens the district next kadiwa orgi?? jk dude. im gone, gotta vacuum the house. sheya dude.....SURREY...4 LYFE!! OOOOOOWWWWWWWW!!!!!!

03/08/99 20:57:12
Name: Jeremy Robles My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Sport: PAINTBALL!!! Hobby: girls.. heheh j/k ummmmn whatevers dood Song or group: Extreme - more than words
Motto: chillllllllllllllll Nickname: jeck jeck

nice page bro! i likes the pics and all... all them IRCers and all those other pplz.. keep up the good work and always remember... update your page if you want us to come back ;) heheh ok laters yo

02/09/99 04:03:33
Name: Marco My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Sport: Martial Arts/paintball all around sports. Hobby: A lot of hobbies. Song or group: "Until then"
Motto: Easy day was yesterday, lets face the new day! Nickname: Zulu

Nice page man.

02/07/99 07:37:35
Name: *twinks*
My URL: Visit Me

sorry cuz i'm back again. just wanted to ask...did u get ur umbrella from under the stands today? u know, that was a nice one...heheheh..

02/07/99 07:32:27
Name: Sharlene Sobrepena My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Sport: u can add on ping-pong to the list Song or group: add "somewhere out there" and "when i see you smile" to the list Motto: still the same as below
Nickname: spin, twinkle, twinks, twinkie, shar, geek, dork

just wanted to say a "shout out" to all my babes: antonio sabato jr, casper van dien, marlon wayans, oscar dela hoya, and esp my #1 man, russell wong. :p..... hahahaha cuzzz!!!

02/02/99 05:58:35
Name: ^*^HeRaLyN^*^ My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Sport: Soccer Hobby: Hm...anything outdoors... Song or group: Hm...Cranberries
Motto: None=\ Nickname: HeRa or LyN

Hi RiCy!!! Well...just dropping by to sign your guestbook too since you signed mine. (he/he). Well...thank you for dropping by my home...homepage. (he/he). So nice. Anyway...nice homepage. Lots of pictures from the San Jose celebration. I likes=)!!! Anywa ...aight...just dropping by. You take care...see you online sometime. Later=).-HeRa_LyN

01/26/99 23:51:47
Name: Rommel Landon My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Sport: basketball
Hobby: Multi Media


01/26/99 23:49:04
Name: Rommel Landon My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Hobby: web
Nickname: romes

check out

01/12/99 20:15:24
Name: Renee-Joy My Email: Email Me Sport: Volleyball
Hobby: poetry,short stories Song or group: "gotta be" (my wedding song), "all my life" BUFFY whole album "my first love", by Buffy Motto: look but don't touch!!!
Nickname: reneetot, rj-put, jay, nee, joy, r-g, aaarrg, whatever


01/12/99 19:56:07
Name: charlz Ramos My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me Sport: b-ball

nice web page. and oh yah, renee was going goo goo ga ga over your pic!!!

12/17/98 13:30:54
Name: faye My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Sport: don't play sports Hobby: too many Song or group: whatever
Motto: if you're happy, then i'm happy too =) Nickname: faye, ading, *pee2

wow!!!!!!!! very naysh luk'n hp audric!! hehehe...jess playin =)...well, das all i hafta say 4 now...hmm...oh ICQ # ish: 25921805...otey....c-u leytah =)

11/05/98 21:06:13
Name: Maybelle Atangan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Sport: Still softball Hobby: Still singin' Song or group: Shades
Motto: Nevah take n/e thang fer granted :) Nickname: Hey yoo,Carebear, baby p

Man, wut happened to yer site? Where'z all da picturez? Naw, jez kiddin', I know eventually you'll have a lil sumpin' sumpin' goin' on. N/E weyz, jez checkin' thru geocitez and stuph and I thawt I'd say Wutuppersh. So much luv to everyone! And I'm audi!

10/29/98 05:02:32
Name: Rex Dulay My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Sport: uhhh . . .errr . . . Hobby: manga, video games, cooking, flowin', etc. etc. Song or group: any hardcore rap, R&B, or alternative will do.
Motto: yaaaahhhhhh . . . SUCK IT! Nickname: souljah-x or something stupid like that

You owe me 5 bucks, and uhhhh. . . suck it

10/08/98 07:45:00
Name: Michael Jackson My URL: Visit Me
Hobby: I just beat it! Song or group: Beat it!

My fellow bros. and sis., this homepage has inspired me. I now understand your dedication, and it is truly amazing. Don't worry bros. and sis., and be strong. For you are not alone! Love, M.J.

08/01/98 04:25:28
Name: Ariel Castro
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

hey audric my brother just wanted to alo greet you a happy anniversay on my behalf-k- and to the rest happy anniversary too!!!!! p.s. if you wanna e-mail me click on this one because the other sign-in's aren't functionin properly k!

08/01/98 04:21:36
My URL: Visit Me


08/01/98 04:21:31
My URL: Visit Me


08/01/98 03:25:57
Name: Ariel Castro My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Sport: b-ball Hobby: drawing,reading and hangin wit the PNW peeps Song or group: any slow jam or R&B
Motto: I'm not a playa I jus crush a lot Nickname: Prityboy

Hey audric i've never gotten a chance to sign your guestbook so i'm in san jose right now and i'm on the net and i just decided to say hi! well bro nice page and keep up the good work. Oh and happy 30th anniversary in the west to ya and to all iglesia bre hren!

08/01/98 03:20:02
Name: Ariel Castro My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Sport: b-ball Hobby: drawing,reading and hangin wit the PNW peeps Song or group: any slow jam or R&B
Motto: I'


07/31/98 14:25:40
Name: Karl De Leon My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Sport: Volleyball! Hobby: Music Song or group: Kai
Motto: Faith in your friends is a strength, not a weakness.

Great site bro! Have fun in San Jose!

07/30/98 13:17:08
Name: Joan Endique My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Sport: all kinds Hobby: all kinds Song or group: no kinds..
Motto: INC for life and the life after.. =) Nickname: JoanNDK

HI Audric! Just wanted to sign your homepage =) And see you in San Jose too ok? TTYL joan

07/23/98 02:47:35
Name: freddie mahinan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Sport: freeze tag Hobby: picking my toes Song or group: menudo
Motto: i love pancakes Nickname: Red


07/22/98 22:46:02
Name: Regie Cubangbang My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Sport: Basketball Hobby: Listening to music, surfing the net Song or group: whatever
Motto: none Nickname: none

Wassup Audric! It's me,Regie from Vancouver. Anywayz I just wanted to say that you gots a phat homepage bro. I'll see you in San Jose. PEACE!

07/22/98 00:45:34
Name: Cheryl My URL: Visit Me Sport: tennis, swimming
Hobby: hanging w/ friendz, sleeping & eating Song or group: Backstreet Boys, Matchbox 20 Motto: Just Do It!
Nickname: Che


07/21/98 15:58:31
Name: Gemilla Dacanay My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Sport: still gymnastics Hobby: singing, dancing (no, not that kind!), aerobics, posing for news cameras when there's a riot... Song or group: Phred Entertainment Group...anyone heard of it? Pretty tight!!!!!
Motto: Patience is a virtue. Nickname: Gem, "Nang", Isabel, Mel, "G", man...I got a lot!!

I wanna take the chance to send a special shout-out to my babes on the USS Kitty Hawk. No matter where that ship takes you, I'm not going anywhere,...but my heart will be there with you the whole time. I love you, Freddie!!!

07/20/98 17:49:29
My URL: Visit Me


07/10/98 04:27:08
Name: Cherry Punzalan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Sport: I'm not really into sport..... Hobby: Reading, eating, sleeping, etc.... Song or group: "For You I Will"
Motto: Carpe Diem Nickname: Che-fly

Cool homepage, brother!Especially the main page playing "For You I Will".Seattle seems like a really great place, and hopefully one day I'll get the chance to see for myself!Anywayz, goodbye and take care, and maybe I'll see you on #iglesia.

07/07/98 08:35:12
Name: nick' My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
Sport: B-ball..#1 draft pick of the P.N.B.A. j/p Hobby: reading..and anything fun Song or group: I.N.C Hymns and anything that sounds good
Motto: "dude" Nickname: nick206


  • Bro.... again nice homepage. I like the pics of the Bacalereate page..i wish i had pics on my page..hehehe. i hope you dont' mind me signing for the third time..hehehe Well Nice HP...

  • 07/07/98 08:25:40
    Name: nick' My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
    Sport: B-Ball #1 of the PNBA!!! hehehe j/p Hobby: Reading..anything fun Song or group: I.N.C Hymns...anything that sounds good
    Motto: "DUDE" Nickname: nick206 reppe


  • Bro....Hey, again nice simple homepage and i like the pics in the bacalereate page..i wish i had pics on mine..hehehe..hey i hope you don't mind me signing again and leaving my banner...Nice HP

  • >
    07/04/98 05:22:31
    Name: HaLeY HaLe My URL: Visit Me
    Hobby: Singing!!! Song or group: My Heart Will Go On
    Motto: Action speaks louder than words!! Nickname: Haley

    cool pics.......well, i miss syatell. nice place to live,cool peeps. Big Hello to Sis. Evelyn De Guzman, bro. Joe Barrientos, ummmm.... i forgot some of the names, but i still remember all of you!! hope to see you all again. pretty soon!! Haley

    07/03/98 07:37:51
    Name: Richmond Corpus My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
    Sport: basketball and full contact snail racing!! Hobby: uhhhh computers and drying fish Song or group: Kai
    Motto: life like a jar of bagoong, it taste good but it sure stinks!! Nickname: preskewl

    wasup bro, jus peeped out your page and its kewl, I like them pixes in here :o) wohoo! oh, i think you wrote mah link wrong!! :o( well, its otay! anyway's have a good 4th and don't blow yourself up :o)!!!

    07/02/98 21:48:29
    Name: Princess April My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
    Sport: Vball & tennis Hobby: Sleeping & Reading Song or group: "Truly, Madly, Deeply"
    Motto: Today's Dreams Tomorrow's Reality Nickname: Apes, Afrel, Abril, Cutie pie, premie ...heck the list goes on!

    Hi Hi Audric!! Well, your homepage is very kewl! Don't worry about your pix being too big, its just fine, show off that face boy!!! Its your HP do what ya want =) Anyhow, I enjoyed looking at the pix, I'm going through it again just to see my dream boy =) Anyway, like the HP and see ya in August! *Flying kiss* *muah* Bye Bye! Love, April

    07/02/98 21:23:16
    Name: JiLL =) SoLMeRaNo My Email: Email Me Sport: volleyball, basketball, swimming, etc.....
    Hobby: talkin on da phone, on mIRC, surfin da net, watchin t.v., listenin 2 music Song or group: "Too Close" -Next "Ghetto Supastar" -Pras en some udders Motto: WHaTeVeR!!!
    Nickname: NiNi

    Hey Audric! cool hp u got dere! i like da bacc. pics. don't ate sharlene en freddie make a good couple? wherez a pic wit me in it?!? hahaha! well i dunno what else 2 say so ill juss talk 2 u on mIRC or at church k? see ya! Frum: JiLL =)

    07/02/98 10:07:16
    Name: sharlene sobrepena My URL: Visit Me
    Sport: basketball!! Song or group: "heaven", "if tomorrow never comes", "no one else comes close"
    Motto: try not to take everything too seriously Nickname: twinkle

    cuz, finally signed it! cool hp..nice pics. and thanks for being melodramatic! hehehe.. twinks

    07/01/98 19:10:59
    Name: Clarissa
    My URL: Visit Me
    My Email: Email Me

    Hi Bro. Audric!! Greetings from Toronto EH!!Just wanted to say "hi!" and let you,and all of Seattle know,that I had a great time there! Thanks for being such great hosts and I'm glad that I had a chance to attend your Formal.=) Oh! and that pic of me, Geb and Ryan?? what can I say but..ewwwww!!! hehehe..take care and hope to see U again soon =)

    06/19/98 18:24:07


    My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
    Sport: PIKO Hobby: Sitting down, Standing Up Song or group: Ascension, BoyZ II Men
    Motto: Try and Try until you die" Nickname: aka Maykel, Fernan_M


    After many Stress brother, maybe after the hard days, we still have time to celebrate. Keep up the good work VP Kad. I'm only asking one thing from you, please,please. No more short notices, okay? (jk)

    06/15/98 20:59:11
    My URL: Visit Me


    06/10/98 06:24:36
    Name: jacob papa My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
    Sport: um...v-ball Hobby: singing Song or group: seattle choir and district choral
    Motto: All glory to the Father name exhault the lord his only son and to the holy spirit praise..All earth and heaven everyone AMEN Nickname: Jake...Jay

    Hi Audric....YOur cool...Well...just wanted to Say "BINHI RULES" and "KADIWA DROOLS" syke!!! Well update your homepage and put some good pages of my bomb self in there!! ok..I don't like the ones you put!! Well gotta go see yah!! oh yeah...can't wait till we sing Baratone!!!

    06/03/98 21:20:09
    Name: Gemilla Dacanay My URL: Visit Me
    My Email: Email Me Sport: gymnastics
    Hobby: practicing organ!! Yeah, you heard me!! Motto: Whatever happens happens

    Oh, Audric...where's the pic??? You know what I'm talkin' about!

    06/03/98 16:09:43
    Name: rAndY_z My URL: Visit Me
    My Email: Email Me Sport: b-ball,v-ball
    Hobby: music,singing

    Yo Ricy!!! nice hp... thanks for visiting mine.. hope to see u here on the 30th... alright bro.. see ya in irc.. laters.. randyz

    05/20/98 21:56:09
    Name: Richmond *preskewl* My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
    Sport: basketball Hobby: Ummm Club? golf :o) hehe! Song or group: Voices of theory, Say it
    Motto: Never brush your teeth, while taking a dump Nickname: look above in the STARS*

    waddup aud, Good job on your page, :o) I like them pixes in there heheh :o)!! If ya need anything, like a special banner or something let me know, ill hook ya up a personalise one :o) hehe! anyway's im out then, cya at church :o)!!

    05/12/98 17:47:31
    Name: Maybelle Atangan
    My URL: Visit Me

    Hey, hey Audric, kew homepage. Whelp, I juss wanted to add dat yure da best and hope dat everythang goes rite widcha man. Luff ya!=]

    05/11/98 20:38:26
    Name: rIcCi DeLa RaMa My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
    Sport: bAsKeTbAlL Hobby: iRc, SlEePiNg, WrItInG PoEmS Song or group: aNyThInG tHaT sOuNdS nIcE
    Motto: wHaT gOeS ArOuNd, CoMeS aRoUnD Nickname: rach1

    hEy AuDrIc! wAsSuP? WeLl, KeWl HoMePaGe....kEwL PiX! aNyWayS, jUSt WaNtEd tO SaY hI! sO i'Ll cYa iN iRc. TaKe CaRe! aNd hAvE a NiCe DaY! AlWaYs, RiCCi =)

    05/06/98 16:43:08
    Name: Maybelle Atangan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
    Sport: Basketball Hobby: Singing Song or group: Shades
    Motto: Live lyf to da fullest Nickname: Carebear


    05/04/98 20:58:42
    Name: Wendell "UndertaKEN" Nuguit My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
    Sport: Name anything... Hobby: TONS!!! Song or group: Surrey Band... Wayne, Leo, Brian, Ging, Me!!!
    Nickname: Wendz

    Hey, Aud-Dude!!! Cool page... NWO 4 life baby!!!
    Congratulations, Seattle Basketball team!!!

    04/28/98 21:07:07
    Name: Gebb Barrientos My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
    Sport: Basketball Hobby: Playing or Coaching Song or group: Whoever
    Motto: Shagadelic BABY !!! Nickname: GEBBadiah

    Hey Audric ! Wassup Bro. ? I'm doing good... I'm just chillin out here in So. California. When are you coming down to visit ?? I have been in Seattle twice now... It's your turn !! Oh Well... Take Care & GOD Bless - Gebb Barrientos

    04/28/98 20:58:04
    Name: Michael "S_Ikari" Juan My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
    Sport: Freestyle Wrestling Hobby: Japanese Animations, and comics Song or group: Pearl Jam - "Jeremy"
    Motto: "Do or do not, there is no try." Nickname: S_Ikari, m_juan, Daihaichi, Kakarott

    Nice page....

    04/25/98 17:45:02
    Name: A. Z. Gonzales III My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
    Sport: Baseball Hobby: Firearms Song or group: Iglesia Choirs
    Motto: The more you accept you're not perfect, the closer you are to perfection Nickname: aDOgG, DC 29

    Sup Bro!!! I like the homepage!! Keep up the good work and help in the PNKO!! Bro. Alex

    04/25/98 06:33:33
    Name: Nick~ My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
    Sport: Baller!!! Sporter!!! Hobby: ircing,churchin,eatin,readin, ,hehehe if there an in...coo coo Song or group: Girl, "you take my Breath away"
    Motto: Love, Payce, and SOULLLLLLLLLLLLL...hehe Nickname: nick206 representin!!!

    hey bro...nice homepage, keep up the goodwork! all you endeavors, and if you need any help in your hp...jus ask me...

    04/16/98 17:55:38
    Name: Jenn My URL: Visit Me
    My Email: Email Me Hobby: music
    Song or group: anything that's not heavy metal!!! Motto: We are family...

    Audric-hey, it's your cuz from OSU! Hope you're doing well...when are you coming for a visit??? I think it's time for a family get-together, you know what I'm saying??? Catch ya later...May the Lord God be with you... Jenn

    04/15/98 23:20:40
    Name: David My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
    Sport: Volleyball Hobby: Piano Song or group: Beatles
    Motto: Seek first the Kingdom, and the rest will follow. Nickname: MistaKite

    Wassup Audric. Your family has been a real blessing to me, and I am glad that I have gotten to know you and your cousins better these last few years. Stay strong, bro, and I'll catch you on campus.

    04/09/98 16:19:54
    Name: Michele Taduran My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
    Sport: Basketball, Bowling Hobby: Church Song or group: All My Life
    Motto: Be good to me and I'll be good to you. Nickname: Shel

    I like it Audric! Awesome page. Where's LAKEWOOD? Just Kidding! PNKO in da' house. This is Miss. Pacific Northwest signing off!

    04/03/98 19:35:55
    Name: MarsMEZZIN =) My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me
    Sport: BBALL!@! VBALL!@!@ Hobby: MUSIC-anything with music! Song or group: alot..right now: The Way You Look Tonight (one old one) oh and SURF PAINA-Shaun Na'oau
    Motto: Whatever happens be happy! Nickname: MARSBARZ

    i like your page RICCCYY...=) i can see you now thats why....put more okay!@!@!@ MORE OF YOUR SEXXXY SELF!@!@!@!@!@

    04/02/98 21:23:35
    Name: Michelle T. Yasay My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me


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