Sessions for on and off ice training will start from 5:20 AM to 8:10 PM.
All sessions will begin 20 minutes after the hour and end 10 minutes after the
next hour, giving you about 50 minutes for one session. You will be required to
take at least 2 on ice sessionseach day, 6 days a week and 3 off ice sessions each week.
If you do not fulfill these requirements, 1 point will be deducted for each session
missed. Please remember that you will be put on probation if your point level reaches
below 10.
Off-ice sessions consist of 25 minutes of ballet and 25 minutes of weight training/
conditioning. You are required to take two sessions of this type as two of your required
3 sessions, and the other session will be off ice jumping/lifting/ballroom.
If you have any questions, please email me.
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